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Planning, Research, Innovation and Effectiveness (PRIE)


The Office of Planning, Research, Innovation and Effectiveness (PRIE) provides oversight of research activities at College of San Mateo. PRIE serves as the College’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) for both internal and external research requests. In the interest of not over-surveying our students, we require any internal surveys of students beyond division-level (approximately N=1,000) to gain PRIE approval. Please contact the Dean of PRIE with such requests.

Research Requests

PRIE strives to make its research and analysis services available to the college community. We can accept a limited number of ad hoc research requests from programs and individuals, depending on our staff capacity and institutional research agenda. We prioritize ad hoc requests based on their alignment with institutional priorities, their submission dates, and the availability of PRIE resources. Requestors must gain their administrator's and/or dean's approval prior to submitting their requests. Past reports may be viewed in our Research Repository.

Research Repository

The Research Repository is a digital platform to centralize and share our office's research outputs, such as planning documents, accreditation documents, past survey results, presentations, and reports.

Data Dashboards

The CSM Data Dashboards are an interactive tool providing real-time visuals on course enrollment, success rates, transfer rates, cohort characteristics, and degrees and certifications.

Research Resources


If you intend to prepare a grant proposal (e.g., NSF, TRIO, Dept. of Education, etc.), please fill out the Grants Intent to Apply Form. This form will be submitted to the President's Executive Leadership Team for review.

Institutional Data

Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025