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Student Life


Contact Us

Center for Equity, Leadership and Community Building 17, Room 112
(650) 574-6141 Phone
(650) 574-6167 Fax

Office Hours for Summer 2024
May 27 through August 2
Monday 8 am to 3 pm
Tuesday 8 am to 3 pm
Wednesday 8 am to 3 pm
Thursday 8 am to 3 pm
Updated June 10, 2024

Hours are subject to change without notice. Please call ahead to confirm availability.
CSM Student Life Logo
College of San Mateo has a vibrant student life, supported through the Center for Student Life and Leadership Development, which provides students the chance to extend their learning outside the classroom. These activities allow students the opportunity to learn and develop skills in leadership, interpersonal communication, advocacy, and event planning. To learn more, read our Mission Statement.

Through the Associated Students, CSM’s student government, students participate in the governance of the college. Members of student government also develop, promote, and implement programs and services that are of benefit to the general student population. Student clubs and organizations provide students the opportunity to interact with individuals who have shared interests and shared cultural backgrounds. Clubs and organizations can also sponsor campus-wide events and activities.

The Center for Student Life is also one of the locations on campus where students and the public are welcome to ask questions about any of the College’s programs and services. The Center for Student Life also provides services such as off-campus housing assistance; on- and off-campus referral services; local transit information; information regarding campus posting; and deals with issues related to on-campus vending machines.

For information about the Student ID card, please visit our Student ID Card and Student Discounts page.