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Meet the Staff

Photo of Patrice Reed-Fort

Patrice Reed-Fort

Title: Counselor/Faculty Coordinator – EOPS/CARE, NextUp & CalWORKs
Photo of Gwen Kenny

Gwen Kenny

Title: Program Services Coordinator - EOPS/CARE
Photo of Alma Aguilar

Alma Aguilar

Title: EOPS Retention Specialist
Photo of Andy Gomez

Andy Gomez

Title: Counselor – EOPS/CARE and Promise
Photo of Roxana Rugliancich

Roxana Rugliancich

Title: Counselor – EOPS/CARE
Photo of Brandon Williams

Brandon Williams

Title: Counselor – EOPS/CARE

Not Pictured

  • Krystal Duncan, Dean of Counseling, Advising and Matriculation
  • Clotilde Lopez, Student Assistant

Advisory Committee

Name Organization
Laura Burtness Hillsdale High School
Karen Chadwick SMCCC Foundation
Melina Cortez Human Services Agency
Jennifer De La Cruz CSM Puente
Evestella Hanson San Mateo High School
Ka`Ryn Holder-Jackson San Mateo Adult School
Vacant Capuchino High School
Claudia Menjivar CSM Financial Aid
Mike Mitchell CSM Transfer Services
Paola Mora Paredes
Sandy Murtagh Mills High School
Vacant Aragon High School
Renee Stephens SFSU EOP
EOPS/CARE Program Staff College of San Mateo