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Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) / Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) & NextUp (Supporting Foster Youth) at the College of San Mateo are committed to providing access to higher education for individuals challenged by academic and socioeconomic barriers.

EOPS/CARE & NextUp strives to provide an environment that nurtures, engages, and reflects a diverse "family" of participants. By offering eligible students comprehensive support services that are academically and socially enriching, the staff and counselors seek to empower students to realize their full human potential.

The EOPS/CARE & NextUp programs are now
accepting applications for Spring 2025.

Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS)

In the late 1960's, several counselors, staff, and students joined to form the College Readiness Program (CRP). A new program unique to College of San Mateo, CRP provided a variety of services to low-income, academically underprepared students to assist them in realizing their educational goals. Now, more than three decades and one assembly bill later, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) can be found on 108 colleges throughout California.

Funded by the State of California and CSM, EOPS provides eligible students with the following support services as they work to complete an associate degree, transfer, or certificate program:

  • Textbook Assistance
  • Individualized Academic Counseling
  • Priority Registration
  • Tutoring
  • Academic Success Workshops
  • Transportation Assistance (i.e. parking permit, bus tokens)
  • School Supplies
  • University Fee Waivers and Transfer Services
  • EOPS/CARE Educational Grants
  • Workshops and Special Events
  • And so much more!
View EOPS and CARE qualifications

Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE)

Program History
In 1982, the State established the Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) program in the California Community Colleges as “a unique educational program geared toward the welfare recipient who desires job-relevant education to break the dependency cycle” (Assembly Bill 3103, Hughes, Statutes of 1982, Chapter 1029). Presently, 110 accredited colleges in all 72 districts of the California Community College system offer CARE programs and services annually to more than 11,000 welfare-dependent single heads of household who seek a viable alternative to continued public assistance for personal and family support. CARE is the only state-funded program of its kind nationwide.

As a supplemental component of EOPS, CARE provides educational support services designed for the academically underprepared, low income, single parent population. Grants and allowances for educationally-related expenses (such as child care, transportation, textbooks, and supplies) may be awarded as a means of strengthening the retention, persistence, graduation, and transfer rates of these individuals. Students participating in CARE may choose vocational certificate or license, associate degree, or transfer program options.

Support services provided to CARE students include: assistance with child care expenses, textbooks-supplies, and transportation costs; special counseling and advisement, personal development activities, and/or curriculum (including self-esteem, parenting, study skills); group support and peer networking; help from peer advisors who are often single parents themselves; and information and referrals to campus-and community-based human services programs.

View EOPS and CARE qualifications

NextUp - Cooperating Agencies Foster Youth Educational Support

Program History
NextUp was established through the enactment of Senate Bill 1023 (2014), which approved up to $15 million to fund foster youth programs at community college districts across California. NextUp gives current and former California foster youth extra support when pursuing their higher education goals at a local community college.

NextUp provides eligible current and former foster youth with resources that make a difference. We are committed to helping you achieve the goal of obtaining a college education. Some of the ways NextUp can help include*: Orientation to your college campus, so you can learn your way around and learn about services that can make your path to success easier. Creating a roadmap to success by developing your education plan and helping you pick the right classes. Access to tutoring, so you can overcome any challenge. Help getting the books and supplies you need. Transportation assistance, like bus passes, parking permits, and gas cards. Help with emergency housing, so finding a place to stay isn’t always just on you.

NextUp promotes academic success by using an in-person, individual approach when offering support and services, including books and supplies, educational grants, childcare, counseling and career guidance, educational planning, emergency housing assistance, food assistance, health services, life skills, financial literacy, mental health services, transportation assistance and tutoring.

To be eligible for NextUp, students must:

  • Be current or former foster youth (from any state)
  • Have dependency as a foster youth established or continued by the court on or after their 13th birthday
  • Be no older than 25 years of age at the commencement of any academic year in which the student first enrolls in the program.
  • Enroll in the NextUp program prior to age 26, disenroll, and subsequently return after turning 26 may be readmitted to the same or another NextUp program.

Contact Us

College Center Building 10, Room 110
(650) 574-6154


Spring Session 2025

Day Time Modality
Mon 8:00 am - 4:30 pm In Person
Tue 8:00 am - 4:30 pm In Person
Wed 8:00 am - 7:00 pm In Person
Thu 8:00 am - 4:30 pm In Person
Fri 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
12:00 pm - 4:30 pm
In Person
Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025