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Counseling Services

Academic Standing

If you are working to improve your academic standing, sign up for OnTRAC Scholars and:

  • Connect with your counselor and staff in Counseling Services
  • Learn effective ways to achieve good academic standing
  • Communicate with your instructors regarding your progress
  • Learn to utilize instructional services and Student Support Services available to you
  • Have personalized check-ins to assist you in achieving your goal

If you are prohibited from registering for classes due to academic standing, you must follow the Reinstatement Process (below).

If you have questions about OnTRAC Scholars, please email Alicia Frangos at

Once a student has attempted 12 units within the San Mateo County Community College District (CSM, CaƱada College, or Skyline College), academic standing is calculated each time grades are posted.

Academic Probation occurs when:

  • Cumulative GPA is below 2.0
    • Letter Grades (A, B, C, D, F and all +/- grades in between) affect the GPA
  • Completion rate is less than 51% of all attempted units
    • A class is not completed if the recorded grading symbol is W, I, NP or NC
    • EW's (Excused Withdrawals) do not affect completion rate or GPA

The first semester out of good academic standing is called Probation 1.

The second semester out of good academic standing is called Probation 2.

A third consecutive semester out of good academic standing results in Dismissal Status.

Being on probation does not prevent registration, but a student on probation must get back into Good Academic Standing to avoid Dismissal Status. Take the following actions now:

  • Work to ensure that you successfully complete all your current courses.
  • Use resources on campus such as the Learning Center, Writing Center and Math Resource Center to facilitate your success.
  • Sign up for the OnTRAC Scholars Program now for extra support (above).

If you are prohibited from registering for classes due to academic standing, this is because of dismissal status, and you must follow the Reinstatement Process. Please see our Academic Policies for more information.

  1. Attendance of an OnTRAC Reinstatement Workshop (by Zoom) is required if you have not attended within the last 3 years. Sign up to be notified of upcoming Reinstatement Workshops.
  2. Meet with a Counselor - make an appointment through the Student Success link in your OneLogin portal.
  3. Complete and submit the Reinstatement Petition during your counseling appointment.
  4. Sign up for the OnTRAC Scholars program (above), which will assist you with your academic success.
After completing these steps, you will be notified of your reinstatement decision by email.

You must petition for reinstatement each semester until you reach good academic standing.
Alicia Frangos
Program Services Coordinator
Student Success and Support
Building 10, Room 340B
(650) 378-7329
Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025