Dr. René Alvarez
Vice President of Student Services Candidate
![Dr. René Alvarez](/vpsssearch/images/ReneAlvarez.jpg)
Dr. René Alvarez is a seasoned higher education administrator with over 12 years of experience, currently serving as the Dean of Academic Success and Student Equity at San José City College. He has been instrumental in driving transformative student services initiatives that have significantly improved outcomes for underserved and disproportionately impacted students. His leadership, characterized by a strong commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism, has earned him multiple awards, including the 2024 ACCCA Award for Progress in Diversity, the SJECCD 2023 LGBTQ+ Inclusion Award, and the 2022 CAPED Administrator of the Year. Dr. Alvarez manages a $10 million budget and has secured over $7 million in grants. He has also forged vital partnerships with community organizations, educational institutions, and industry leaders to expand resources, opportunities, and support services for students, recognizing that a strong network is essential to student achievement and community enrichment.
Dr. Alvarez has served as faculty, teaching courses on career development and the intersection of race/ethnicity with critical components of the criminal justice system. He is a published scholar on first-year experience instruction, trans student narratives, and at-risk student success. The Journal of Applied Research in Community Colleges will publish Dr. Alvarez's practice brief on operationalizing campus equity in Fall 2024. He has also presented on topics such as systemic racism, student equity, and academic resilience at conferences nationwide. Additionally, Dr. Alvarez is deeply committed to community service and currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Bill Wilson Center, a leading provider of social services in the Bay Area.
Dr. Alvarez credits his Cuban heritage, queer identity, and first-generation experiences for shaping his academic, personal, and professional journey. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Anthropology and a Master of Science in Criminal Justice from Florida International University, a Master of Education in Human Resource Studies from Colorado State University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Career and Workforce Education from the University of South Florida.
![College of San Mateo Presidential Search](/vpsssearch/images/VicePresidentFinalists.jpg)