CSM is searching for a new Vice President of Student Services. There are three finalists.
To ensure our campus hears from each candidate, we held in-person forums (with a virtual option) for each candidate from Monday, November 18, through Wednesday, November 20.
While the forums were conducted live, the questions for the candidates were gathered in advance with the consultation of leadership from ASCSM, Classified Senate, and Academic Senate.
The forum recordings and feedback forms for each candidate are available below.
The deadline to provide feedback was Wednesday, November 27 at 12 noon.
VPSS Finalists
Forum for Dr. Alvarez
Monday, November 18, 1-2 pmCSM Building 10, Room 195
Dr. René Alvarez
Forum for Dr. Escobar
Tuesday, November 19, 1-2 pm
CSM Building 10, Room 195
Dr. Luis Escobar
Forum for Mr. Guiriba
Wednesday, November 20, 1-2 pm
CSM Building 10, Room 195
Mr. Alex Guiriba
![College of San Mateo Presidential Search](/vpsssearch/images/VicePresidentFinalists.jpg)