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Schedule & Catalog


WebSchedule provides the most up-to-date course offering information! This is your real-time resource for planning your schedule.

Online Catalog

The CSM Catalog is published exclusively online. There is no printed catalog, though you will find printable PDFs on the site (please take care to conserve paper).

Schedule Archive

The Schedule Archive includes PDF versions of current and past schedules.

Catalog Archive

The Catalog Archive includes an archive of past catalogs as well as a PDF version of the current, catalog-rights version of the catalog.

Important Information Before Registering for Classes

These websites and resources will aid you in your success! Please visit the following department websites to obtain important information regarding registration dates, financial aid opportunities, student fees, campus map, and more.

Registration Dates  Academic Calendar  How to Apply/Enroll  Student Services  Financial Aid  Student Fees  Credit/Refund Policy  Campus Map/Directory  AA/AS Degrees & Certificates