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General Information

Fees are due and payable at the time of registration. Students who do not pay before the fee deadline will be dropped from classes. Students should refer to their my.smccd or personal email for their exact due date.

If you need assistance in paying your fees, you are encouraged to enroll in an inexpensive payment plan via WebSMART, apply for financial aid ( at least five business days prior to registering for your classes, or complete the California College Promise Grant (CCPG) via WebSMART to prevent being dropped from classes.

Fees may be paid with cash in-person at the Cashier’s Office.

Fees may be paid with major credit cards through WebSMART, check or money order through the US mail or in-person at the Cashier’s Office.

Please note: Fees paid by check or money order will require up to 7 business days to be posted to the student's account.

Mail your check or money order to:

College of San Mateo
Attn: Cashier's Office, 10-360
1700 W. Hillsdale Blvd.
San Mateo, CA  94002

For proper credit, please include your name and G# with your payment.

Student enrollment fees are set by California’s legislature and governor and are subject to change at any time. It is possible that your fees may be adjusted at a future date. All student records are automatically held until all outstanding debts to the District colleges have been cleared. Unpaid bills may be sent to collections.

Students who are classified as California residents as defined in the California Education Code will be charged an enrollment fee, a health services fee and a student representation fee. An optional student body fee also will be assessed. In accordance with California law, enrollment fees may be waived for California residents who demonstrate financial need and qualify for a California College Promise Grant (CCPG). For additional information contact the College's Financial Aid Office.

Students who receive a California College Promise Grant will automatically be exempt from the health fee.

Students who depend exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or organization will be exempted from paying the health services fee. Please go to Student Forms website to find the Extenuating Circumstance(s) Form and return the complete form to Admissions and Records.

Students who are classified as non-residents will be charged a tuition fee in addition to the enrollment fee, health services fee and student representation fee. International Students (F-1 Visa) are subject to a health insurance requirement and are charged tuition and capital outlay fees. For details contact the College's International Student Center.

The student representation fee was established by student election to support student advocacy before local, state and federal offices and agencies.

In addition, students will be required to purchase textbooks and miscellaneous supplies, as well as tools and technical supplies for certain programs. In some courses students will also be required to pay a non-refundable instructional materials charge. Students enrolled in clinical classes in health-related programs are subject to a malpractice insurance premium.

Fees are subject to change at any time by action of the State Legislature, Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, or the District Board of Trustees.

If you need assistance in paying your fees, you are encouraged to:

  • Enroll in an inexpensive payment plan via WebSMART
  • Apply for financial aid ( at least five business days prior to registering for your classes
  • Complete the California College Promise Grant via WebSMART

If you decide not to attend classes, whether or not your fees have been paid, it is your responsibility to withdraw officially within published deadlines to avoid penalty grades and fee obligations.

AB 540 Students
Under Assembly Bill 540 (AB540), you may be exempt from paying nonresident tuition. Students who have attended a California high school for three years AND received a California high school diploma or its equivalent, such as a GED or passed the high school proficiency exam, are exempt from paying non-resident tuition. See Undocumented Students for more information.

Fee Type Amount Required of
Enrollment Fee $46 per unit All students except High School students enrolling for less than 11.5 units through the Concurrent Enrollment Program or Middle College High School Program
Health Services Fee* $0 Summer
$0 Fall
$0 Spring
Health Services fees have been suspended for the 2022-2023 academic year. Health Services fees will not be charged for: Summer 2022, Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 semesters.
Student Representation Fee** $2 All students except High School students enrolled in the Concurrent Enrollment Program or Middle College High School Program
Nonresident Tuition Fee

$367 per unit
(plus $46 per unit Enrollment Fee)
Nonresidents of California who are residents of other states. Students who possess "T" or "U" visas are exempted
Nonresident Capital Outlay Fee $1 per unit Nonresidents of California who are residents of other states.
International Student Application Fee $50 For Fall and Spring semesters only.
International Student Tuition Fee

$367 per unit
(plus $46 per unit Enrollment Fee)
International Students
International Student Capital Outlay Fee $1 per unit International Students
International Student (F-1 Visa) Health Insurance $1075 Fall
$1505 Spring/Summer
$2580 Full Year
All F-1 Visa International students (Effective August 2023/Fall 2023 Semester)
Student Body Fee*** $15 Fall
$15 Spring
Students who purchase a photo ID student body card receive discounts throughout the year and also support many student-sponsored activities and programs (the student body fee is automatically assessed as part of your total fees; if you choose not to pay this fee, visit the Center for Student Life and Leadership Development in Building 17, Room 112, before last day to drop with eligibility for credit and refund deadline. See Important Dates)
Parking Fee*** Student Parking Permit
$0 Summer
$0 Fall
$0 Spring
$0 per day
$0 Two-Term (Fall/Spring)

CCPG Parking Permit
$0 Summer
$0 Fall
$0 Spring
$0 per day
$0 Two-Term (Fall/Spring)
Day and evening students must park in student lots only, although student parking permits are waived for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Audit Fee $15 per unit
(students enrolling in a variable unit course must pay for maximum units)
Students enrolled in 10 or more units for credit can audit up to three additional units free of charge. See Audit Policy.
Instructional Materials Fee Varies by course Students enrolled in courses for which instructional materials are needed. Check course information in class listings or WebSCHEDULE. Non-refundable.
Duplicate Diploma Fee $20  
Returned Check Fee $20 Students whose personal checks are returned by the bank (only cash, credit card or cashier's check will be honored to clear a returned check - bookstore fee may differ).
Transcript Fee $5 official
$15 rush fee
Students requesting a transcript of their academic record at College of San Mateo, Cañada College and/or Skyline College (the first two transcripts ever requested are free).

* Students who depend exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or organization may be exempted from paying the health services fee. For details, contact the Health Center at

** A student has the right to reverse the $2 Student Representation Fee for any reason. A student has the right to reverse the $2 Student Representation Fee by completing Student Representation Fee Waiver and submitting it to the Cashier's office before the last day to drop for credit and refund deadline. See Important Dates.

*** This fee is optional. Please refer to "Required Of" column for further information. 

NOTE: Student enrollment fees are set by California legislature and governor. It is possible that your fees may be adjusted at a future date. All Student records are automatically held until all outstanding debts to the District colleges have been cleared. Unpaid bills may be sent to collections.

Contact the Cashiers Office with any questions.

Presidents' Day Weekend
February 14-17, 2025
Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025

Request Information