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Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
Audit Policy

The Colleges of the District allow auditing of courses with the exception of courses in programs that require special presentation and/or program admissions on a limited basis. A student may audit a course only under the following circumstances.
  1. The student must have previously enrolled for credit for the maximum number of times allowed for the particular course. Sequential activity courses that have numbering .1 through .4 (i.e., Tap Dance = DANC 117.1, DANC 117.2, DANC 117.3 and DANC 117.4) or courses in the same "family" must have 4 prior enrollments for credit prior to being allowed to audit a course in that "family" (see pp 28-30 of the 2017-18 Catalog). 
  2. The instructor of record for the course must approve the enrollment as an auditor.
  3. The student must be in good academic standing.
  4. If the course is a variable unit class, the student must enroll for the maximum number if units available.
  5. The student must enroll as an auditor immediately following the published late registration period and pay the auditing fee.
A student may enroll as an auditor the week after the late registration period is concluded because those students taking the course for credit have first priority for all classroom space. Enrollment as an auditor is a manual process and the student should obtain an Audit Course Request form from the Office of Admissions and Records or online (available on the SMCCD Forms page under Admissions). No student auditing a course shall be permitted to change his or her enrollment to receive credit for the course. An auditing fee as established by California Education Code is payable at the time of enrollment as an auditor, with the exception of students enrolled in ten (10) more semester units.