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International Education Program

Meet the International Student Ambassadors

Our International Student Ambassadors are a diverse group of student leaders who provide support for our international students. Student Ambassadors organize campus events, provide campus tours, and serve as welcoming guides during new international student orientation. The International Ambassador Program teaches new skills, provides professional development and allows international students to create a community in which their unique skills and talents are valued and supported.

Photo of Gulnazik Bakhramova

Gulnazik Bakhramova

Hi, my international friends! I am Gulnazik (Gool-Nah-Zeek) from Kyrgyz Republic. I first visited California as a high school exchange student and enjoyed my time here. I grew up in a multicultural family speaking Russian, Kyrgyz, and sometimes Uzbek languages. I take a passionate interest in learning about different cultures and majoring in Economics, planning to pursue a 4-year university degree. I spend my leisure time exploring new places, cooking, reading, and volunteering.

Photo of Sailin Htet Man

Sailin Htet Man

This is Sai, and I’m from Myanmar (Burma). I’m in my second year at CSM and majoring in biomedical engineering, which is quite an exquisite field for me. Other than English and Burmese, I speak Mandarin as well. I love pouring rain, and blues and soul music are my jam. “CSM welcomes you”, and “we welcome you”. Stay up!

Photo of Andy Cheng

Andy Cheng

Hey yo, this is Andy from China. I went to Fremont Christian High School before coming to CSM. I speak English, Mandarin, and a few words in Italian (try me). I love playing the piano, singing, and theater. Musical theater is the only genre of music I listen to. I am interested in tech, politics, fragrances, and icebreaker mints. Glad to be your international ambassador! Say hi or ask me for help~
Photo of Hansheng Guo

Hansheng Guo

Hello, my name is Hansheng Guo, I am from China, and my major is Computer Science. I can speak English and Mandarin, my hobby is to do video editing, and I am passionate about various electronic devices. I am happy to help international students in need through the Student Ambassador position. Please contact me if you need any help!
Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025