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Flex Day

CSM Flex Day Schedule

Theme: Critical Connections: Who am I? Making sense of Our Identity as a Campus Community 
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

*Offices will be closed to students on our mid-term Flex Day, so that all employees can participate.*

Registration Instructions

We ask that you register for each session you plan to attend so we can accurately anticipate numbers and message participants. To RSVP for a session, click on the "Register" button that follows that session. Once in the Vision Resource Center, click on the blue button in the bottom right corner that says "Request" (see image below). You should receive an email confirmation (with calendar invite) for each session.

Request Button

If you are denied access to the registration system, it means one of two things:

  1. You are not signed in with your employee single sign-on. Please sign in with OneLogin and try again.
  2. You are one of a small number of employees whose "active employee" record has not been updated in the District's HR database, preventing you from accessing the Vision Resource Center. Follow up with your division assistant to ensure your hiring paperwork has been filed; if you are still unable to access, contact Susan Khan with your G number, and please feel free to attend sessions in the meantime.

Faculty Flex Day Obligations

See Faculty Flex Day Obligations for the latest details about faculty flex obligations and compensation for hourly (adjunct and retired) faculty.

Modality Options: In Person in person Onlineonline In PersonOnlineboth in person and online


Time Title Modality



Continental Breakfast

Location: Building 10, Bayview Dining (map)


Join us for a light breakfast and chance to reconnect with colleagues.  Please be sure to register, so we can anticipate numbers.


In Person

Morning All-Campus Session

Time Title Modality


2 flex credit hours

Critical Connections: Sharing Knowledge in Community

Presenters: Manuel Pérez, CSM President; Finausina Tovo, MANA Coordinator; Abbie Mallari, Katipunan Counselor & Co-Coordinator; Brittney Sneed, UMOJA Coordinator; Jennifer De La Cruz, Puente Project Coordinator; Ehm Manuofetoa, Learning Community Counselor, Dulce Martinez, Village Coordinator

Location: Bayview Dining Room, Building 10, Second Floor (map) and Zoom


This morning's all-campus session will lift up, celebrate, and share knowledge from our learning communities with a focus on ethnic, racial and cultural identities: Katipunan, MANA, Puente, and Umoja.  The coordinators of these communities work with their programs – especially our students – to answer the question at the core of our theme today: Who am I, in relation to my campus community?  In a presentation and panel discussion, we will hear about program successes, as well as how each program defines community and the relationship between self and community at CSM.  


Video recording of Critical Connections: Sharing Knowledge in Community




This session is open to all employees.

In PersonOnline

Late Morning Concurrent Sessions

Time Title Modality


1.5 flex credit hour

"Plática con Cafecito y Pan": A Conversation with Bay Area Directors on Managing Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Grants


Facilitators: Heidi Pereira Bonilla, Assistant Project Director, Developing HSI, Title V Grant, Math & Science Division; Stephanie Olano, Financial Healer

Panelists: Jorge L. Murillo, Director, ASPIRA Project at Merritt College, DHSI; Enrique Velasco, Director, Metas & Developing HSI Ganas Grant, San José City College; Miguel (Migz) Zaragoza, Director, First Year Experience & DHSI, Sacramento City College

Location: Building 10, Room 194 (map) and Zoom


"Plática con Cafecito y Pan" translates to "Chat with Coffee and Bread." This session aims to invite directors from various institutions across the Bay Area who have experience managing HSI (Hispanic-Serving Institutions) grants. By sharing their stories, challenges, and successes, we hope to foster a collaborative environment where participants can learn from one another and gain valuable insights into effectively navigating HSI grants.


Video recording of "Plática con Cafecito y Pan"




This session is open to all employees. 

In PersonOnline


1.5 flex credit hours

Bulldog 101: Unleash Your Potential!  For New Faculty & Staff

Facilitator: Manuel Alejandro Pérez, CSM President

Location: Building 10, Room 195 (map)


Get ready to dive into Bulldog 101! Starting this October Flex Day, join us for an exciting, year-long adventure designed for all our new CSM employees. Each Flex Day, we’ll carve out special time to build connections, share insider tips, and discover how we can help you shine in your new role.

What to Expect:

  • Fun Activities: Led by President Pérez, we’ll kick things off with engaging activities to break the ice and get to know each other.
  • Mission & Values: Explore how CSM’s mission and values play a crucial role in everything we do.
  • Community Building: Connect with fellow new employees and become part of our vibrant community.
  • Dress Code Alert: Don’t forget to rock your awesome Blue Bulldog t-shirt from August Flex Day! If you missed out, swing by the SIED Office in Building 10, Room 435 to grab yours!

Everyone’s invited, and we can’t wait to see you there! Let’s make this journey together and unleash the full potential of our Bulldog spirit!





This session is designed for new employees but is open to all.

In Person 


1.5 flex credit hours

Redesign for Equity & Accessibility Lab (REAL) Report-Out

Facilitator: Susan Khan, Professional Development Faculty Coordinator

Panelists: Donna Eyestone, Digital Media; Lena Feinman, Math; Judith Hunt, History; Beth LaRochelle, Dental Assisting; Michelle Mullane, Psychology; Tamara Perkins, Film; Sujata Verma, Business; Laura Woltag, English

Location: Zoom


In Spring 2024, nine faculty members from disciplines across campus were awarded a one-semester course release (funded with state grant money) to participate in an inquiry-based and collaborative workshop series on equity and accessibility in course design.  Each revised a course in four key areas: Course Outline of Record, Syllabus, Assignment Design, and Grading Policies.  They also helped create professional development tools and resources for ongoing support with equity and accessibility in course design at CSM.  Come hear about their findings and see examples applicable to your own course or program.  Anyone interested in applying to participate in REAL in Spring 2025 are encouraged to attend, as applications for our final semester will be due October 18th.


Video Recording of Redesign for Equity & Accessibility (REAL) Report-Out




This session is open to all employees.



1 flex credit hour

The Ombuds, Star Wars, and Conflict Resolution

Presenter: Kohya Lu, CSM Ombuds

Location: Building 10, Room 193 (map)


How do you handle conflict? Whether it be with your students, staff, supervisor and above, conflict is an inevitable part of our lives, both within and outside of work. Utilizing character arcs and situations outlined in the Star Wars franchise, this session will explore effective ways to approach and understand conflict resolution through the Office of the Ombuds. 





This session is open to all employees.

In Person


1.5 flex credit hours

Faculty Handbook for Online Education - Request for Participation


Facilitators: Jennifer Howze-Owens, Instructional Designer; Erica Reynolds, Instructional Technologist

Location: Zoom


Each year the DE Team, along with the Distance Education Advisory Committee, work to create a useful list of resources that are specifically designed to help faculty who teach online. Together we will take a look at the existing Faculty Handbook for Online Education with an eye for updating the content to better suit faculty needs, with a special eye for regular and substantive interaction.  Bring your questions, ideas, and help take this resource to the next level. 


Video recording for Faculty Handbook session




This session is open to all employees.



.5-1.5 flex credit hour

Outcomes Assessment Drop-in Hour

Facilitator: Guillermo Cockrum, Economics, and Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Coordinator (SLOAC)



As part of our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement, all programs are expected to engage in Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) or Service Area Outcomes (SAOs) assessment between Program Review cycles. To support this crucial process, the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Coordinator (SLOAC) is offering drop-in hours for program leaders.
These sessions are designed to provide immediate, individualized guidance on various aspects of outcomes assessment, including:

  • Understanding the purpose and importance of assessment
  • Designing effective assessments to measure SLOs/SAOs
  • Writing or revising SLOs/SAOs
  • Interpreting assessment data
  • Implementing improvements based on assessment results

By attending these drop-in hours, you'll benefit from personalized support, collaborative discussions, and the opportunity to address potential roadblocks early in the assessment process. This proactive approach helps improve data quality, fosters cross-disciplinary collaboration, and ultimately contributes to the continuous improvement of our programs and services. Whether you're new to outcomes assessment or looking to refine your existing practices, these drop-in hours are an excellent resource to ensure your program's assessment efforts are effective and aligned with institutional goals.




This session is open to all employees.



1.5 flex credit hours

Forest Therapy Guided Walk at CSM (Advanced Registration Required)

Facilitator: Tammy Wong, Instructional Support Specialist

Location: Meet in Building 10, outside the Bookstore (map)


Space is limited. Advanced registration required. This session is geared
towards first-time participants of Forest Therapy.


The practice of Forest Therapy invites participants to slow down, notice what's around us, and connect with the natural world. It's like a gallery walk in an art museum, with nature as our works of art. On this gentle 1.5-hour slow wander, we will move through a series of invitations to support you in finding your own authentic way of interacting with the natural environment while building community with your fellow participants. There's no right or wrong way to participate - just come and be yourself!


This walk is suitable for all fitness levels. I recommend wearing layered, comfortable clothing.




This session is open to all employees who have registered in advance.

In Person

Buffet Lunch

Time Title Modality



Buffet Lunch & Student Music Performance

Location: Bayview Dining Room, Building 10, Second Floor (map)


Join us for a delicious buffet-style lunch accompanied by music from an ensemble of CSM's own student-led Jazz Combo!  Please be sure to register so we can anticipate numbers.


In Person

Early Afternoon Concurrent Sessions 

Time Title Modality


1.5 flex credit hours

Accreditation Self-evaluation Open Office Hours

Facilitators: Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER) Team

Location: Building 10, Room 468 (College Heights) (map) and Zoom


Do you have questions about the accreditation self-evaluation report? Ideas or experiences that you'd like to share? Come by and chat with our self-evaluation standards teams!




This session is open to all employees.

In PersonOnline


1.5 flex credit hours

2023-2024 Faculty Sabbatical Showcase

Facilitators: Todd Windisch, Academic Senate President; Teeka James, Faculty Professional Development Committee Chair

Presenters: Michelle Brown, Digital Media; Sue Hwang, ESL; Malathi Iyengar, Ethnic Studies; Tim Maxwell, English

Location: Building 10, Room 193 (map) and Zoom


During the 23-24 academic year, the Faculty Professional Development Committee was able to use leftover PD funds from COVID (when many faculty were not travelling for PD opportunities) to fund an unprecedented six faculty sabbatical projects. Please join us as we "close the loop" and share out the wonderful work our faculty has done to support our students and campus community.


Video recording of Faculty Sabbatical Showcase




This session is open to all employees.

In PersonOnline


.5-1 flex credit hour

SMCCC Foundation Meet & Greet (& Gourmet Dessert Bar!)

Facilitators: Melissa Rohlfs and Karen Chadwick, SMCCC Foundation

Location: Outside Building 1 (map)


Come for the desserts, stay for the conversation!

This is your chance to meet and get to know the work of the Foundation.  Come have some sweet treats and ask questions of the SMCCCD Foundation staff, and meet the new Executive Director, Megan Barber Allende.




This session is open to all employees.

In Person


1.5 flex credit hours

Fall of the I-Hotel Film Screening and Discussion

Facilitator: Abby Mallari, Katipunan Filipinx Learning Community Counselor, Co-Coordinator, & Instructor

Location: Building 10, Room 195 (map) and Zoom


Happy Filipinx American History Month! College of San Mateo is an Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution (AANAPISI) and 6% of CSM's student population identifies as Filipinx. Please join us for a screening and panel discussion of the documentary: The Fall of the I-Hotel


Video recording of Fall of the I-Hotel Film Screening & Discussion




This session is open to all employees.

In PersonOnline


1.5 flex credit hours

San Mateo County Park Plant Restoration

Facilitator: Kathy Diamond, Biology

Location: Coyote Point Park (Google Map coordinates for off-site meeting point)


Spend 1.5 hours planting native plants at Coyote Point County Park. Learn about SM County Parks; experience volunteer work; give back to the community that supports the Colleges.  Tools and instructions will be provided; volunteers should wear comfortable clothes that can get a little dirty; heavy rain cancels but we will work in light rain.  Session will be capped at 30 attendees.




This session is open to all employees.

In Person


1.5 flex credit hours

NCORE Debrief and Action Planning

Facilitators: Natalie Alizaga, Research Inquiry & Institutional Effectiveness Manager; Kohya Lu, CSM Ombuds

Location: Building 10, Room 194 (map) and Zoom


Did you attend NCORE in Honolulu, Hawai'i, or are you interested in attending NCORE in the future? Interested in getting involved in equity initiatives on campus? Come to our NCORE Debrief and Action Planning session, where past and future NCORE attendees can reflect on the 2024 conference and discuss how the experience connects to our roles on campus. We will also spend time action planning, and discuss ways to turn lessons learned into collective action at CSM and beyond. 


Video Recording of NCORE Debrief and Action Planning




This session is open to all employees.

In PersonOnline


1.5 flex credit hours

Unpacking the UDL Toolbox: Inclusive Learning for All

Facilitators: District Instructional Designers: Allison Hughes, Andrea Fuentes, Bianca Rowden-Quince, Jennifer Howze-Owens, Julieth Diaz

Location: Zoom


Looking to design learning experiences that benefit all students? Are you familiar with UDL but not quite sure what it means for your courses? Join us for a series of sessions where we will unpack the Universal Design for Learning tool box. Each session will focus on a specific tool: Representation, Action and Expression, Engagement, and bringing it all together. You can join the entire series, or choose the sessions that seem most relevant for your course design goals. A space created with everyone in mind. You won't want to miss it. Have some examples from your course to work on.




This session is open to all employees.


Late Afternoon Concurrent Sessions (Lengths may vary)

Time Title Modality


1 flex credit hour

Executive Cabinet Roundtable

Facilitators: Manuel Pérez, CSM President; Danni Redding Lapuz, Acting Vice President of Instruction; David Crafts and Krystal Duncan, Acting Co-VPs of Student Services; Gerardo Ramirez, VP of Administrative Services; Eddie Flores, Acting Director of Marketing; David Galvez, Director of Equity; Monique Nakagawa, Acting Dean of Planning, Research, & Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE); Andrea Vizenor, Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives and Economic Development (SIED)

Location: Building 10, Room 468 (College Heights) (map) and Zoom


Join the executive leadership team for afternoon coffee/tea and snacks, as well as the chance to learn about the structure of weekly meetings and operations, including how topics get to the executive team, how decisions are made, and how decisions are communicated back out to the campus. The session will conclude with an opportunity to ask questions.


Video of Executive Cabinet Roundtable




This session is open to all employees.

In PersonOnline


1.5 flex credit hours 

Classified Professional Development Forum

Facilitators: Fauzi Hamadeh, Classified Senate President; Andrea Vizenor, Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives and Economic Development (SIED)

Location: Building 10, Room 195 (map)


Join us for an open forum and discussion to provide feedback on professional development opportunities for classified employees. This is your opportunity to help us set guidance for future PD opportunities. Find out how funds from the Institutional Effectiveness Planning Initiative (IEPI) grant can be used to support classified professional development needs.




This session is open to all employees.

In Person


2 flex credit hours

Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Training

Facilitator: Representative from Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse (CORA)

Location: Building 10, Room 193 (map) and Zoom


The training will be provided by clinicians from CORA.  It consists of a PowerPoint presentation with multimedia content on the dynamics of domestic violence/IPV. Topics range from DV statistics, family court restraining orders, red flags, barriers to leaving an abusive relationship, cultural humility, role play scenarios and helping support those who may be experiencing intimate partner violence. This presentation can assist in recognizing additional layers of stressors, and skills that can help support survivors with a trauma-informed lens. 




This session is open to all employees.

In PersonOnline


1.5 flex credit hours

AFT Know Your Rights and Shape Your Next Contract

Facilitators: Camille Kaslan, Cañada Chapter Chair; Mick Song, Skyline Chapter Chair; Beth LaRochelle, CSM Chapter Chair; Tamara Perkins, Co-President

Location: Zoom


Take a deep dive into your contract and learn about new provisions and benefits, understand your rights and the grievance process, and get involved with writing the next contract.



This session is open to all employees.



1.5 flex credit hours

Equitable Grading Lab Community of Practice Meeting

Facilitators: Julieth Diaz Benitez, Instructional Designer; Cheyanne Cortez, Art History Faculty; Laura Woltag, English Faculty

Location: Zoom


A group of faculty across divisions participated in the first CSM Equitable Grading Summer Lab. In collaboration and conversation with colleagues, participants interrogated core aspects of their grading models. This Community of Practice (CoP) is a space to connect with other EGL participants to share ideas, experiences, and progress on your implementation plan.

*If you were not a participant of the 2024 Summer EGL, but would like to join and listen, you are welcome to do so. There might be interesting thoughts that spark inspiration for you.




This session is open to all employees.



1-2 flex credit hours

Complete an SMCCCD Microcourse

Have you ever wanted to learn more about a specific topic related to teaching and learning but have limited time to commit? Are you looking for opportunities to learn in small doses on your own time?


We invite you to take advantage of the SMCCCD microcourses. These are self-paced, asynchronous learning experiences that focus on specific topics of interest. Each microcourse takes 1-2 hours to complete, and you can self-enroll at any time. Upon completion, you will receive constructive feedback and a digital badge. Microcourses may be counted toward Flex credits. Complete one during Flex Day for automatic flex credit.

Current microcourses available: 




Questions or recommendations?  Email Faculty Professional Development Coordinator Susan Khan.

Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025