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Flex Day

CSM Flex Day Schedule - August 15, 2023

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

See also the District Opening Flex Day schedule (Monday, August 14, 2023)

Registration Instructions

We ask that you register for each session you plan to attend so we can accurately anticipate numbers. To RSVP for a session, click on the "Register" button that follows that session. Once in the Vision Resource Center, click on the blue button in the bottom right corner that says "Request" (see image below). You should receive an email confirmation (with calendar invite) for each session.

If you are denied access to the registration system, it means one of two things:

  1. You are not signed in with your employee single sign-on. Please sign in with OneLogin and try again.
  2. You are one of a small number of employees needing an update in the District's human resources database before you can access the VRC. Please request this update, so we can promptly resolve the issue for you.  You are welcome to attend sessions in the meantime.

Faculty Flex Day Obligations

See Faculty Flex Day Obligations for updated details about faculty flex obligations and compensation for hourly (adjunct and retired) faculty.

Modality Options: In Person in person Onlineonline In PersonOnlineboth in person and online

Breakfast and Morning Sessions (Session lengths vary)

Time Title Modality


Location: CSM Theatre Lobby/Courtyard, Building 3 (map)

Join us for a Continental Breakfast and chance to reconnect with colleagues.


In Person


(1 flex credit hr)

Welcome and Award Ceremony

Location: Theatre, Building 3 (map) and Zoom


Acting President Richard Storti, joined by Senate leadership, will welcome us back to campus, followed by an awards ceremony to recognize employees for their years of service and contributions to the college.

Watch Recording


In PersonOnline




(1.5 flex credit hr)

Special Guest: ALOK

Location: Theatre, Building 3 (map).
Due to contract requirements, this will be an in-person only event.

World-renowned speaker, author, comedian, and mixed-media artist ALOK (they/them pronouns) recently described themselves in an interview for the New York Times as "fighting for Trans Ordinariness." Alok will speak on themes of race, love, and belonging, followed by a discussion with Vice President of Student Services Joshua Moon-Johnson on applying those themes in our work with one another and on behalf of students. Free copies of Alok's book, Beyond the Gender Binary will be available to employees in the CSM library.

In Person


Location: Bayview Dining Room, Building 10

Join us for a buffet lunch, including the opportunity to welcome new employees at tables designated "New Faculty/Classified Staff Meet & Greet."  


In Person

Early Afternoon Concurrent Sessions

Time Title Modality


(1 flex credit hr)

Developing Academic Senate Goals for ‘23-24

Facilitators: AS President Todd Windisch, AS Vice President Daniel Keller, AS Secretary Yvette Butterworth, AS Treasurer Stephen Heath

Location: Room 10-195 (map), and Zoom

Calling all faculty!  Come meet your new Academic Senate officers, review what Senate accomplished in 22-23, and add your voice as we develop our Senate goals for the 23-24 academic year. 

Watch Recording


In PersonOnline


(1 flex credit hr)

Career Education Showcase

Panelists: Alex Kramer, Director of Workforce Development; Philip Tran, Business Faculty; Hellen Pacheco, Computer Science Faculty; Adria Otte, Music Faculty; Janis Wisherop, Nursing Program Director

Location: Room 10-194 (map) and Zoom

Did you know that an individual in San Mateo County must earn at least $60,000/year to simply afford rent, food, and other essentials? While our high-cost-of-living region poses challenges for many residents, College of San Mateo is committed to offering comprehensive workforce training options that ensure that community members can secure career opportunities that allow them to thrive.  Join this session to learn how Career Education (CE) faculty across CSM’s Business, Computer & Information Science, Music & Technology, and Nursing programs align their programs with emerging industry trends to support student success in the classroom and the workforce. This panel discussion will highlight resources and best practices that faculty employ to ensure that students are equipped with in-demand skills that open doors to promising careers across our county. 

Watch Recording


In PersonOnline


(1 flex credit hr)

Opening Doors: A Workshop on Inclusive Course Design

Presenters: Erica Reynolds, Instructional Technologist, and Donna Eyestone, Digital Media Faculty and Distance Education Coordinator

Location: Zoom

Unlock the power of accessible online design in our workshop! Discover the art of crafting alt text, structuring lists, adding captions, creating meaningful link text, and designing accessible tables. Enhance inclusivity and make a lasting impact in your digital creations. Join us now! 

Watch Recording




(1 flex credit hr)

Equitable Grading Open Lab

Facilitators: Cheyanne Cortez, Art History Faculty; Lena Feinman, Math Faculty; Alicia Frangos, Student Success Coordinator; Julieth Diaz Benitez, Instructional Designer

Location: Zoom

Have you been thinking of ways to implement equitable grading in your courses? Join us for a brainstorming session where you will get input and support from peers across divisions. You can expect to leave this session with at least one concrete idea to revise an assignment, assessment, or aspects of your course grading policy.

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Division Meetings 

Time Title Modality

Division Meetings

Division Meetings may be scheduled during this time.  Contact your Division/Department for location or link information. 


Late Afternoon Concurrent Sessions

Time Title Modality


(1 flex credit hr)

Program Review/SLO Assessment Checkpoint

Presenters: David Lau, SLO Coordinator and English Faculty; Natalie Alizaga, Research Inquiry & Institutional Effectiveness Manager; Lena Feinman, Math Faculty 

Location: Room 10-195 (map) and Zoom

How has the Program Review process been for you? At what stage are you currently in the process? Join us at the upcoming Flex Day for a workshop on Program Review and Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs). In this session, we will briefly discuss what it is for, why it matters, and how to assess your progress in your department or program. Whether you're just starting or need help refining your plans, this is an opportunity to share your questions, findings, and challenges with colleagues, and receive support and resources to improve your plans. Don't miss out on this chance to make the most of your Program Review process! 

The SLO coordinator will be there to help with general assessment questions; Natalie Alizanga from PRIE can help with inquiry and research design and/or data analysis questions. 

Watch Recording


In PersonOnline


(1 flex credit hr)

Executive Roundtable

Presenters: Richard Storti, Acting President; Carla Grandy, Vice President of Instruction; Anthony Djedi, Vice President of Administrative Services; Joshua Moon Johnson, Vice President of Student Services; Andrea Vizenor, Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives and Economic Development (SIED) and Acting Director of Communications/Marketing; Monique Nakagawa, Acting Dean of Planning, Research, & Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE); David Galvez, Director of Equity

Location: Room 10-468 (College Heights) and Zoom

Join the executive leadership team to learn about the structure of weekly meetings and operations, including how topics get to the executive team, how decisions are made, and how decisions are communicated back out to the campus. Updates will also be provided on major projects that are in the works. The session will conclude with an opportunity to ask questions.

Watch Recording


In PersonOnline


(.5-1 flex credit hr)

Distance Ed Drop-In Hour

Facilitator: Jennifer Howze-Owens, Instructional Designer

Location: Zoom

This DE Drop-In hour will be an open house where you "drop-in" online to get DE support.




Extra Late Afternoon Session

Time Title Modality

(1 flex credit hr)

The Power of Employer Relationships

*Please note that this session has been moved from an earlier slot, at the request of the presenters.*

Presenters: Alex Kramer, Workforce Development Director; Andrea Vizenor, Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives & Economic Development; Beth LaRochelle, Director of Dental Assisting

Location: Room 10-194 and Zoom

Employer engagement is a critical aspect of ensuring that students have access to internship and employment opportunities aligned with their fields of study. Effective engagement also ensures that students are learning employer-demanded skills and competencies that make them more marketable in a highly competitive workforce landscape. Join this session to learn best practices for employer engagement including employer recruitment, partnership development, and hosting effective advisory boards to align your program with emerging industry trends while developing lasting relationships with key regional employers. The session will also highlight resources available to faculty to support efforts. 

Watch Recording


In PersonOnline

Questions or recommendations?  Email Faculty Professional Development Coordinator Susan Khan.

Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025