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Flex Day

CSM Flex Day Schedule

Advancing Equity by Working Together (IV)

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Registration Instructions

Please note that we are piloting a new system for RSVPs, using the Vision Resource Center (VRC), a communications and professional development hub developed for the California Community College system. For each event in the schedule below that you wish to attend, click on the "Register" button. Once in the VRC, click on the blue button that says "Request." You should receive an email confirmation (with calendar invite) for each session.

*If you are denied access, it means one of two things:

  1. You are not signed in with your employee single sign-on. Please sign in with OneLogin and try again.
  2. You are one of a small number of employees needing an update in the District's human resources database to enable access to the VRC. Please request access, so we can promptly resolve the issue for you.

Faculty Flex Day Obligations

See Faculty Flex Day Obligations for updated details about faculty flex obligations and compensation for hourly (adjunct and retired) faculty.  


Modality Options: In Person in person Onlineonline In PersonOnlineboth in person and online

Breakfast and Morning Sessions (Session lengths vary)

Time Title Modality

Breakfast & President's Welcome

Location: Bayview Dining Room, Building 10 (map)

President Taylor-Mendoza will open the day with a welcome, mid-semester update, and overview of college planning, including a preview to the fall convocation.

Please register so we know how many to anticipate for the Continental Breakfast.

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In Person

Mental Health First Aid Training (limited capacity; pre-registration required)

Location: Room 401, Building 10 (map)


This training, provided by Voices of Recovery San Mateo County, teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges. You'll build skills and confidence you need to reach out and provide initial support to people who are struggling. You'll also learn how to help connect them to appropriate support. 

Please note that this is a day-long session. Pre-registration is required, by contacting Voices of Recovery directly at

In Person

The Sum of Us Discussion: Realizing “Solidarity Dividends” at CSM

Location: Bayview Dining Room, Building 10 (map)

In this interactive workshop (the third in a series on August keynote speaker Heather McGhee’s book The Sum of Us ), we will explore the “The Solidarity Dividend,” or the benefits that come to all of us from multi-racial coalition building. We will take a close look at CSM's Solidarity Statement as a starting point. How does your individual “why” (the sense of purpose/identity you bring with you to work each day) align with this statement? How does it align with that of your colleagues and students? What goals do we share in common, and what can we learn from McGhee’s book–and from one another–about how we work together to achieve them? All are encouraged (but not required) to prepare for the discussion by rereading chapter 10 of The Sum of Us (free copies can be picked up in the CSM library), and by reviewing the resources on our Sum of Us Discussion Resource Hub.

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In Person

Late Morning Mini Sessions

Time Title Modality

Mini Session: Introduction to the Vision Resource Center (VRC)

Presenter: Susan Khan, Professional Development Faculty Coordinator
Location: Room 195, Building 10 (map), and Zoom 

The Vision Resource Center is a professional learning and communications hub created by the California Community Colleges’ Chancellor's Office that you can use to access thousands of individually-tailored professional learning opportunities. Join this mini session to learn how to start using this powerful tool.

Watch a video Intro to the VRC.

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In PersonOnline

Mini Session: Using AI in your work day

Presenter: Jennifer Howze-Owens, Instructional Designer
Location: Room 105, Building 14 (map)

This mini-session, geared especially towards Classified Professionals, will introduce participants to ChatGPT and other AI text generators and how they might be used to your benefit in the workplace.

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In Person 

Mini Session: Creating a Digital Signature

Presenter: Salpy Yousef, Information Technology Specialist
Location: Zoom

Confused about how to legally sign online campus forms? Join this session by ITS for a quick overview and the chance to ask your burning questions.

Watch a recording of Creating a Digital Signature.

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Mini Session: How to copy your Panopto videos in Canvas from one semester to the next

Presenter: Sebrianne Ferguson, Information Technology Specialist
Location: Zoom

Did you record or upload an amazing lecture video using Panopto during a previous semester that you’d like to reference in your current Canvas course? In this session, we will discuss a couple methods to share Panopto videos between different Canvas courses, and also how to get support from Panopto if you ever need it.

Watch a recording of How to copy your Panopto videos.

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Time Title Modality


Location: Bayview Dining Room, Building 10 (map)

Join us for a delicious buffet lunch! Please register so we can anticipate numbers.

In Person

Early Afternoon Concurrent Sessions (Session lengths vary)

Time Title Modality

Scavenger Hunt Adventure Game

Facilitators: Susan Khan, Professional Development Faculty Coordinator; Alicia Frangos, Student Success Program Services Coordinator

Location: Starts in Bayview Dining Room, Building 10 (map)

Ready to play? Teams of 4-8 people will compete in a game organized for CSM by The Go Game. This scavenger hunt-style adventure experience has been described as “The Amazing Race, combined with a dash of America’s Got Talent and a sprinkling of Trivial Pursuit.” Build community and learn the locations of key campus services for students and staff along the way. Wear comfortable shoes, and be prepared to move!

Please note that this is a roughly 2.5-hour long experience and that your team will be counting on you to participate until 3:20! Need accommodations? Contact the facilitators.

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In Person 

Program Review/SLO Assessment Checkpoint

Presenters: David Lau, Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Coordinator; Heeju Jang, Planning and Research Analyst

Location: Zoom

How has the Program Review process been for you? At what stage are you currently in the process? Join us at the upcoming Flex Day for a workshop on Program Review and Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs). In this session, we will briefly discuss what it is for, why it matters, and how to assess your progress in your department or program. Whether you're just starting or need help refining your plans, this is an opportunity to share your questions, findings, and challenges with colleagues, and receive support and resources to improve your plans. Don't miss out on this chance to make the most of your Program Review process!

The SLO coordinator will be there to help with general assessment questions; Heeju Jang from PRIE can help with inquiry and research design and/or data analysis questions.

Watch a recording of Program Review/SLO Assessment Checkpoint.

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Career Education Roundtable

Moderator: Andrea Vizenor, Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives and Economic Development

Panelists: Alex Kramer, Director of Workforce Development; Beth LaRochelle, Director of Dental Assisting; Deborah Baker, Cosmetology Faculty; Janis Wisherop, Director of Nursing

Location: Room 195, Building 10 (map) and Zoom

California’s community colleges are the largest provider of workforce training in the world with more than 200 career education programs offered statewide. These programs are crafted in collaboration with business and labor and taught by industry professionals. Programs provide short-term training opportunities that support our local communities and the economic vitality of our region.

This session is designed to highlight key workforce and career education programs at College of San Mateo that provide pathways to meaningful employment across our county and the greater Bay Area. Join us to learn more about how these comprehensive programs are training students for in-demand careers, and how they are making a big impact in the lives of our students and their families. Faculty resources and funding available to align your program with in-demand industry skills and career opportunities will also be highlighted.

Watch a recording of Career Education Roundtable.

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In PersonOnline

Mid Afternoon Session

Time Title Modality

Whose work is this? Academic honesty in a rapidly changing technological landscape

Presenters: Julieth Diaz Benitez, Instructional Designer; Jennifer Howze-Owens, Instructional Designer; Daniel Keller, English Faculty

Location: Room 195, Building 10 (map) and Zoom

This multimodal, interactive session will offer opportunities to explore multiple perspectives on academic honesty. We will discuss existing and emerging technologies such as Turnitin, Proctorio, and ChatGPT, and reflect on their implications for teaching and learning. You can look forward to hearing from our students, getting updates from the District Teaching & Learning Committee (DTL) and the CSM Academic Senate Artificial Intelligence Workgroup. If you are planning to join Part II (below), please bring your own device (ex. laptop, tablet, smartphone).

Watch a recording of Whose work is this?

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In PersonOnline

Late Afternoon Sessions

Time Title Modality

Whose work is this? Academic honesty in a rapidly changing technological landscape (Part II: Hands-on Work Session)

Presenters: Julieth Diaz Benitez, Instructional Designer; Jennifer Howze-Owens, Instructional Designer

Location: Room 105, Building 14 (map)

In this continuation of the academic honesty session (above), participants will experiment with ChatGPT in small group playgrounds. Please bring your own device (ex. laptop, tablet, smartphone).

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In Person

Executive Roundtable

Presenters: Jennifer Taylor-Mendoza, President; Carla Grandy, Interim Vice President of Instruction; Anthony Djedi, Vice President of Administrative Services; Joshua Moon Johnson, Vice President of Student Services; Andrea Vizenor, Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives and Economic Development (SIED); Monique Nakagawa, Acting Dean of Planning, Research, & Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE); David McLain, Director of Community Relations & Marketing; David Galvez, Director of Equity

Location: Room 468 (College Heights), Building 10 (map) and Zoom

Join the executive leadership team to learn about the structure of weekly meetings and operations, including how topics get to the executive team, how decisions are made, and how decisions are communicated back out to the campus. Updates will also be provided on major projects that are in the works. The session will conclude with an opportunity to ask questions.

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In PersonOnline

District-Wide Flex Day Session

"I cannot study abroad for a whole semester!" - Designing your Short-Term Faculty-led Study Abroad Program

Presenters: Danielle Powell, Paula Messina, and Alice Yang

Time: 10:45-11:45

Location: Skyline Building 12, Room 130 and Zoom

Registration link: 

We know that Study Abroad is an effective way to create a community of global learners and enhance students' global intercultural competence for their personal and professional growth. As a High Impact Practice (HIP), data has shown that students who study abroad are more likely to persist towards degree completion than those who do not study abroad. One of the barriers to studying abroad for community college students is the duration. Many of our students cannot study abroad for a full semester and short-term study abroad programs are more affordable than semester long programs.

Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025