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Flex Day

CSM Flex Day Schedule

Advancing Equity by Working Together (III)

Friday, January 13, 2023

Modality Options:  In Person in person  Onlineonline  In PersonOnlineboth in person and online

Breakfast and Early Morning Sessions

Time Title Modality

Breakfast with Colleagues

Location: Bayview Dining Room, Building 10 (map)
In Person

President’s Welcome

Presenter: Jennifer Taylor-Mendoza, President
Location: Building 10, Room 195 (map) and Zoom

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In PersonOnline

The Sum of Us Discussion: “Drained Pool Politics”

Presenter: Susan Khan, Professional Development Faculty Coordinator
Krystal Duncan, Dean of Counseling; Rudy Ramirez, Professor of Ethnic Studies; Edgar Mojica Villegas, Professor of Ethnic Studies
Location: Building 10, Room 195 (map) and Zoom

Join us for the second in our discussion series on Heather McGhee’s presentation at August Flex and her book, The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together. We will be focusing this time on McGhee’s term “Drained Pool Politics,” to describe how racism in the United States has eroded public spending (on behalf of “nice things,” like public swimming pools or well-funded schools)—to the detriment of us all. We’ll be diving into CSM’s own history, and especially the history of its “College Readiness” program in the late 1960s. Does CSM have its own “Drained Pools”?

All are encouraged (but not required) to prepare for the discussion by rereading the second and third chapters of The Sum of Us (free copies can be picked up in the CSM library), and by reviewing the resources on our Sum of Us Discussion Resource Hub

Watch a recording of the President's Welcome and Sum of Us Discussion

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In PersonOnline

Late Morning Concurrent Sessions (session lengths may vary)

Time Title Modality

Beyond the Model Minority Myth

Panelists (subject to change): Christine Su, AANAPISI Grant Coordinator; Joshua Moon-Johnson, Vice President of Student Services and Title IX Coordinator; Deb Laulusa, Executive Assistant to the VPSS; Kyle Guanzon, CSM Alum
Location: Building 10, Room 193 and Zoom

The model minority myth was introduced in the 1960s by publications such as the New York Times Magazine and U.S. News and World Report, extolling the ways "Asian Americans" capitalized on the  American Dream and succeeded as a result of their work ethic and emphasis on education. An intentional effort to divide people of color and reinforce anti-Blackness, the myth points to the success of select Asian groups and paints a picture of social mobility and meritocracy—the false narrative that by working hard anyone can achieve higher socioeconomic standing.

In this session, we will explore the realities of diverse individuals included under the monolithic "AAPI" umbrella, through narratives of the experiences of CSM community members themselves. An essential part of dismantling the model minority myth is understanding how it simultaneously harms both Asian Americans and other marginalized racial or ethnic groups. By internalizing the model minority myth, we ignore the detrimental effects of structural racism and risk perpetuating racial inequities.

Watch a recording of The Model Minority Myth.

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In PersonOnline

A Holistic Approach to Achieving the College's Academic Mission

Presenter: Philip Tran, Professor of Business
Location: Zoom

Many 4-year academic institution offer a capstone project for students to demonstrate their mastery of the subject matter and prepare for post-graduation careers.  Capstone projects are designed to allow students to apply the knowledge and skills they have gained throughout their academic program to a real-world problem or challenge. These skills include critical thinking, problem-solving and effective communication.

In this presentation, I will present an interdisciplinary academic activity that will provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they have gained during their college studies.

Watch recording of A Holistic Approach

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Beyond Letters in the Gradebook: A CSM faculty showcase on why and how to equitize our grading practices

Presenters: Julieth Diaz Benitez, Instructional Designer; Jennifer Howze-Owens, Instructional Designer
Location: Zoom

Grades are more than letters in a gradebook; they have an impact on the way students approach and experience a course. This session will feature concrete examples of equitable grading practices from faculty at CSM. Come ready to engage in any way you prefer. You can look forward to a time of inspiration, reflection, and discussion. All levels of curiosity are welcome.

Watch a recording of Beyond Letters in the Gradebook.

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Coaches’ Forum

Presenters: Michelle Warner, Nicole Borg, Katie Goldhahn, Tim Tulloch, Andrew Silva, Mike Marcial, Sekona Hanson, and Doug Williams, Professors of Kinesiology
Location: Building 5, Room 339

This is a space for CSM’s coaches to gather and share ideas for planning and development of student athletes within our programs.
In Person


Time Title Modality


Location: Bayview Dining Room, Building 10 (map)

Early Afternoon Concurrent Sessions (session lengths may vary)

Time Title Modality

Addressing Sex & Gender Based Violence

Presenter: Joshua Moon-Johnson, VP of Student Services and Title IX Coordinator
Location: Building 10, Room 193 and Zoom

This workshop will help participants understand sex and gender based violence, such as domestic violence, sexual assault, harassment, and stalking. The interactive workshop will share patterns, ways to prevent, and how to support and report.

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In PersonOnline

What Do Textbook Costs Have to do with Equity and Inclusion? Let's Talk About OER & ZTC

Presenter: Jennifer Howze-Owens, Instructional Designer and OER Liaison
Location: Zoom

In this session, you will get an overview of OER & ZTC, discuss why student success is related to textbook cost and hear from CSM faculty about their experiences adopting OER materials for their courses. You will have an opportunity to ask questions and obtain resources for your discipline, just in time for February calls for Summer/Fall 2023 adoption requests.

Watch a recording of What Do Textbook Costs Have to Do with Equity and Inclusion

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It Starts with You: Building a Culture of Care

Presenters: Gil Perez, Personal Counselor; Marisol Quevedo, Instructional Technologist; Julieth Diaz Benitez, Instructional Designer
Location: Zoom

This session is the first of a two-part series, focused on building, normalizing, and nurturing a culture of care around us. Join us for a time to pause and reflect on the meaning of self-care and the importance of checking in with ourselves. You will have the opportunity to assess your needs, connect with colleagues, and draft a short self-care plan that makes sense for you. You can look forward to silent reflection, journaling exercises, and group discussion. We look forward to connecting with you.

Watch recording of It Starts with You: Building a Culture of Care

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Mid Afternoon Concurrent Sessions

Time Title Modality

CSM Disability Resource Center - What, Why, How & Who

Presenters: Carol Newkirk, Director of the CSM Disability Resource Center; Zulema Esparza, Counselor; Hirania Gonzalez, Program Services Coordinator; Kevin Sinarle, Counselor 
Location: Zoom

Opportunity to interact with CSM DRC staff to learn about what services are provided, develop an understanding of the legal mandates to provide services, learn about DRCs' processes and procedures for students and faculty, and get a full picture of who makes up the DRC student population.

Watch the recording of CSM Disability Resource Center

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Distance Ed Drop-in Hour

Presenters: Jennifer Howze-Owens, Instructional Designer; Donna Eyestone, Distance Education Coordinator and Professor of Digital Audio Production
Location: Zoom

Come ask any questions about your online or hybrid course with members of the DE Team. No need to have anything prepared. We are happy to talk and troubleshoot with you.

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Executive Roundtable

Presenters: Jennifer Taylor-Mendoza, President; Carla Grandy, Interim Vice President of Instruction; Anthony Djedi, Vice President of Administrative Services; Joshua Moon Johnson, Vice President of Student Services; Andrea Vizenor, Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives and Economic Development (SIED); Hilary Goodkind, Dean of Planning, Research, & Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE); David McLain, Director of Community Relations & Marketing; David Galvez, Director of Equity
Location: Bulding 10, Room 468, College Heights and Zoom

Join the executive leadership team to learn about the structure of weekly meetings and operations, including how topics get to the executive team, how decisions are made, and how decisions are communicated back out to the campus. Updates will also be provided on major projects that are in the works. The session will conclude with an opportunity to ask questions.

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In PersonOnline
Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025