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Flex Day

District Flex Day Schedule - January 12, 2023

SMCCCD Virtual Flex Day

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Join the SMCCD community for an engaging day of district-wide opportunities for professional learning, partnership & dialogue.

The day features a wide variety of sessions to meet your professional learning needs. We hope to see you engaging with colleagues across the district and contributing to shared learning.

Note: District-wide sessions unless noted will take place virtually via Zoom. 

Modality Options:  In Person in person  Onlineonline 

Welcome | 9:00 am - 9:50 am

Time Title Modality

Welcome — District Strategic Priorities: In Pursuit of Social Justice

Presenters: Aaron McVean, Vice Chancellor, Educational Services and Planning; Lauren Ford, Director of Strategic Intiatives and Planning
Location: Zoom

This District Flex Day presentation will focus on keep strategic priorities in the SMCCCD, including the Free Community College strategic initiative and SB 893, dual enrollment, zero cost textbooks (ZTC) and open educational resources (OER), and the Promise Scholars Program (PSP).

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Heartsaver First Aid/CPR/AED CPR | 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Time Title Modality

Heartsaver First Aid/CPR/AED CPR

* This session is full *

Presenters: Vince Garcia, Emergency Management Coordinator; Ben'Zara MInkin, Emergency Preparedness Manager
CSM B10-468 (College Heights)

The AHA’s Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED course trains participants to provide first aid, CPR, and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) in a safe, timely, and effective manner. Reflects science and education from the American Heart Association Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC). The AHA’s Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED Course is designed for anyone with little or no medical training who needs a course completion card for their job, regulatory (e.g., OSHA), or other requirements, or anyone who wants to be prepared for an emergency in any setting. Participants who complete this course will receive their CPR certification card.

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In Person

Morning Sessions | 10:00 am (session length may vary)

Time Title Modality

District Alignment Summit (by invitation)

Presenters: Jessica Hurless, Communication Studies Professor; Aaron McVean, Vice Chancellor, Educational Services and Planning; Lisa Palmer, English Professor, Cañada College; Christopher Walker, Mathematics Professor, CSM
Location: CSM 10-401

Last year faculty across the District were asked to identify comparable courses for the AP (Advanced Placement), IB (International Baccalaureate) and CLEP (College Level Exam Preparation) exams. Unfortunately, due to misalignment in aspects like subject code, number, etc. we were not able to scribe them, include them in degree audit processes or the catalog, or award external exam credit to students. This summit is designed to bring faculty together, alongside Deans, VPIs, Curriculum Chairs, and Articulation Officers from across the district to engage in collegial conversations about curricular alignment and make decisions about modifications.

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In Person

Great Expectations: What are we looking for when we ask students to analyze literature?

Presenters: Katie Hern, Professor of English, Skyline College; Rob Williams, Professor of Language Arts, Skyline College
Location: Zoom

This interactive session will invite English faculty from all three colleges to discuss what we are looking for in English 110 and other literature classes. Beyond the composition staples like thesis statements and focused paragraphs, what do we want students to do when analyzing literature? What do we value as a discipline? And how do we write our prompts and structure class activities to help students develop these skills and habits of mind? Participants will work collaboratively to articulate core habits of mind and learning outcomes related to literary analysis. We know what the course outlines say and what our SLOs are, but how do we make these come alive in the classroom? How do we describe what a strong literary analysis looks like, so that students know what they're aiming for and feel confident about approaching our assignments?

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Supporting Undocumented Students through the Matriculation Process

Presenter: Nimsi Garcia, DREAM Center Program Services Coordinator, Cañada College; Martin Marquez, DREAM Center Program Services Coordinator, Skyline College; Paola Mora Paredes, MCCDC Retention Specialist, CSM
Location: Zoom

Implementation of the 6 or Fewer units Non-Resident Tuition Fee Waiver and the Free College Initiative (SB 893) has created many new opportunities for undocumented students to afford a college education while also complicating the enrollment process. In this session, the SMCCCD Dream Center Staff will guide participants through the matriculation process undocumented students navigate and ways that they are able to qualify for in-state tuition. Join to gain the knowledge and tools to support undocumented students through this process and succeed academically.

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Augmenting Online Synchronous Teaching with Zoom Whiteboards

Presenters: M. Ricardo Flores, Instructional Technologist, Skyline College; Bryan Besnyi, Senior Programmer, ITS, District Office
Location: Zoom

In the world of virtual instruction, it’s an unfortunate expectation that the digital version of a much older physical learning tool often loses some of the magic of the original. Take whiteboards, for example. As a teacher, you can quickly write out important concepts and illustrate examples for your class. For your students, the whiteboard presents a way to collect ideas and collaborate in small groups. It’s a direct, tactile, low-tech experience that’s seemingly hard to match online. Virtual whiteboards in Zoom give you a large canvas to write, draw, mark up images, insert sticky notes, and connect ideas using lines and shapes. As the host of your meeting, you can structure your whiteboard for activities in advance or open an impromptu whiteboard during your meeting in seconds. One of the advantages of creating your whiteboards in Zoom rather than using a separate service is that you don’t have to keep track of additional links to share in the chat or have students switching between multiple windows to participate in activities. Join us in this session to explore ways Zoom whiteboards can be used to enhance the synchronous learning experience.

Watch recording of Augmenting Online Synchronous Teaching with Zoom Whiteboards

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Practicing Self-Compassion

Presenter: Margarita Baez (Professional Development Academy)
Location: Zoom

The aim of this session is to introduce self-compassion. Rather than a self-compassionate attitude, many people suffer from a non-accepting and self-critical relationship with the self. The nature of this relationship is perhaps most clearly reflected by the inner critic: an internal voice that criticizes the self. In this session, participants become acquainted with their inner critic and learn how to effectively cultivate a friendly and caring relationship with the self by increasing awareness of the inner critic and practicing self-compassion through meditation and self-caring action. Register for Practicing Self-Compassion Key Outcomes: Create a preparation checklist for effective online and in-person meetings Identify methods to facilitate group decision-making and consensus Anticipate and address difficult behaviors Create a self-evaluation for continually improved meetings.

Watch recording of Practicing Self-Compassion

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Morning Sessions | 11:00 am

Time Title Modality

Sharing Files Using Dropbox

Presenter: Victor Quintanilla, Web Accessibility Programmer, ITS, District
Location: Zoom

Dropbox is one of several tools available through the district for storing and sharing files. After a brief tour, we will learn about the features that make Dropbox different from other options such as unlimited storage, using Dropbox Paper for meeting agendas, and the ability to receive files from someone else to your personal folder. After covering the license request process, we will end by opening the floor to your questions.

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Health Professional Programs Information Session

Presenter: Lezlee Inman, Radiologic Technology Professor, Cañada
Location: Zoom

This session will provide faculty and staff with understanding of requirements for students seeking acceptance into Radiologic Technology, Nursing, and Respiratory Therapy. This session will offer faculty and staff an insight into application process, timelines, academic and non-academic requirements. This session will help faculty and staff better understand the role their specific courses play in our programs.

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Time Title  

Lunch Break | 12:00 - 12:30 pm


Afternoon Sessions | 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Time Title Modality

Advancing Sustainability: How to Champion Zero Waste for our Students and our Planet

Presenters: Ananya Subramanian, Sustainable Procurement and Circularity Fellow, District; Georgia Roden, Utility and Sustainability Specialist, District
Location: Zoom

The District Sustainability Team invites you to learn more about our Zero Waste program through this introductory training! Participants will receive an overview of our District's sustainable systems, Zero Waste goals and strategies, and state/local policies. We will also share tips on how to correctly sort waste, host a "Zero Waste event," and other resources and opportunities to model environmentalism in your class, department, and campus community. This training will be over Zoom, with time at the end and throughout the presentation for interaction, questions, and feedback.

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Panopto Basics

Presenters: M. Ricardo Flores, Instructional Technologist, Skyline; Chris Smith, Director of Web Services, District
Location: Zoom

Panopto is a powerful, yet simple-to-use, tool integrated into the Canvas LMS that makes working with video easy, and it can be used for recording and sharing lectures or presentations, or uploading an existing video. Panopto videos can be shared in and outside of Canvas and when viewed with the Panopto Player teachers have the ability to embed simple quizzes and use auto-captioning to enhance instructional videos. Join us for this session in which we will take an introductory tour of Panopto. We will discuss what Panopto is and how it works in Canvas. We will practice making screen capture recordings hands-on using Panopto on Chrome web browser and spend some time answering your questions.

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Leading Effective Meetings

Presenter: Rae Ann Ianniello (Professional Development Academy)
Location: Zoom

Consider for a moment what you dislike most in meetings…and what you like best. Now imagine using that knowledge to lead your own productive meetings. How would you prepare, encourage participation, and handle difficult behaviors? This interactive and fun workshop will provide proven strategies to implement right away. Key Outcomes: Create a preparation checklist for effective online and in-person meetings Identify methods to facilitate group decision-making and consensus Anticipate and address difficult behaviors Create a self-evaluation for continually improved meetings.

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Exploring SMCCD Microcourses

Presenters: Bianca Rowden-Quince, Instructional Designer, Skyline; Julieth Diaz Benitez, Instructional Designer, CSM; Andrea Fuentes, Skyline; Jennifer Howze-Owens, Instructional Designer, CSM
Location: Zoom

Have you ever wanted to learn more about a specific topic related to teaching and learning but only have an hour or so to commit? How would you like the opportunity to learn in small doses on your own time? SMCCD’s Instructional Designers have worked together to create a inaugural series of microcourses, short self–paced learning modules offered through the Canvas LMS aimed at providing strategies and best practices in support of equitable course design and facilitation. This workshop will introduce the first three microcourses; Ungrading, Instructor Feedback, and Creating Student-Centered Syllabi. Participants will walk through to the SMCCD microcourse format, and samples of self-paced learning activities with our Instructional Designers. Lastly, participants will learn more about the SMCCD microcourse project and how to get involved in our Spring 2023 pilot.

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Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Managing Multiple Priorities

Presenter: Jessica Esclamado, Human Resources Representative, District
Location: Zoom

What do you do when all your priorities are urgent? Busy administrators need to juggle the priorities of their daily tasks with those of ad hoc and ongoing projects. This session focuses on efficiency and reviews priority and organization systems.

No recording available.

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Afternoon Sessions | 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Time Title Modality

AFT: What's Up with the Faculty Contract

Presenter: AFT Executive Leadership
Location: Zoom

We've been negotiating with the District since May. We’ve worked without a new contract since June. Why is it taking so long? Which of our proposals are still being rejected by the District? What can we do to get the contract we deserve? Join AFT reps and negotiators to explore these questions!

No recording available.


Using Smartsheet

Presenter: Chris Smith, Director of Web Services, District
Location: Zoom

In this tour of Smartsheet, we will review the basic features and then see examples of how it is being used within IT Web Services to manage projects, service requests, workflows, and data. Learn how to request a license and how to get your team or peers involved. We will spend time at the end of the session answering your questions.

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How to Say Anything to Anyone

Presenter: Rae Ann Ianniello, Professional Development Academy
Location: Zoom

Do you get uncomfortable handling challenging or emotionally charged conversations? Instead of avoiding tense situations, would you like to learn proven techniques for getting the best results for all parties involved? In this interactive session, you will learn how: Key Outcomes: Develop clear goals for your conversation Prepare for a productive conversation Have healthy and respectful discussions Move from conversation to action.

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Promise Scholars Program Team Districtwide Collaboration

Presenter: Lauren Ford, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Planning; Kim Davalos, Acting Director of Promise Scholars Program, Skyline; Liz Morales, Acting Director of Pathways & Promise, CMS; Mayra Arellano, Director of High School Transition and Dual Enrollment, Cañada
Location: Zoom

This session will provide an opportunity for PSP colleagues to:

  • Meet and engage with PSP colleagues in similar roles across the District
  • Identify opportunities for collaboration
  • Share impactful practices
  • Seek thought partnership on common challenges or questions regarding student support.


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CalSTRS My Retirement Benefits (mid-career)

Presenter: Jessica Esclamado, Human Resources Representative, District
Location: Zoom

In this hour-and-a-half interactive workshop, you’ll learn: How we calculate your CalSTRS monthly retirement benefit. About the gap between your CalSTRS benefit and your retirement income goal, and ways you can bridge it. The steps to take now to increase your retirement benefit. And more. For a more personalized understanding of the information covered, you’re encouraged to bring your most recent Retirement Progress Report, which you can print from your myCalSTRS account. You’re also encouraged to bring your questions.

No recording available.

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Meetings & Drop-ins | 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Time Title Modality

Department & Division Meetings and Drop-ins

Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025