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Center for Academic Excellence (CAE)

Mission & Goals


Values and Priorities

  1. Provide and facilitate professional enrichment that inspires, nurtures, and rewards faculty and staff efforts to achieve teaching excellence (Institutional Priorities 1-3, 4.3).
  2. Collaborate with programs to identify and overcome current teaching and learning obstacles including addressing the achievement gaps of underrepresented and underperforming students (Institutional Priorities 1-3).
  3. Create and implement a shared vision of best practices and innovative, inclusive pedagogy designed to achieve greater student success (Institutional Priorities 1-3, 5.2-3).
  4. Provide a forum for sharing professional development experiences and projects (Institutional Priorities 4.3 and 5.2-3).
  5. Create an environment that encourages cross-discipline communication (Institutional Priorities 4 and 6).


  1. Develop a three-year Professional Development plan that incorporates Flex Days, staff and administration development, New Faculty Institute and adjunct orientations, project funding, and support for Student Equity Plan (SEP).
  2. Coordinate and partner with active institutional and academic senate committees, including, but not limited to Distance Education and Educational Technology Committee (DEETC), Diversity in Action Group (DIAG) and Basic Skills Initiative (BSI) to promote overall student success and professional development.
  3. Increase flex day participation (the number of employees that give workshops and attend workshops), and professional development support for new and existing employees with a priority on staff participation.
  4. Promote CAE activities by:
    • Expanding CAE/PD websites as a means for disseminating professional development opportunities, resources, and outcomes.
    • Developing a brand for CAE.
Final Examinations
December 10-16, 2024
Winter Recess
December 24 - January 1
Spring Classes Begin
January 13, 2025
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