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Institutional Committees
Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) - Archived


The CSM Enrollment Management Committee will develop and begin to implement a research-based enrollment workplan that addresses the stages of enrollment management, including marketing and outreach, recruitment, and retention.

  1. Develop a long-term Enrollment Management Plan that is aligned with the College’s Institutional Priorities: 2008-2011 and the Education Master Plan, 2008.
  2. Develop a plan for managing the elements of the enrollment management cycle (course scheduling, marketing, recruiting and outreach, intake, managing semester    start, persistence, and retention).
  3. Review the College Scheduling patterns to ensure that the College is scheduling courses in an integrated manner that best meets student needs.
  4. Establish communications channels to address Enrollment Management matters with the campus community.

Mission and Tasks

Meeting Times


Name Representation Email Address Office Phone
Cheryl Gregory Faculty 574-6307
Mike Mitchell Classified Staff 574-6662
Marsha Ramezane (Recorder) Administrator 574-6440
Kevin Sinarle Faculty 378-7227
Anna St. Amand Classified Staff 574-6437
Andreas Wolf (Chair) Administrator 574-6462
Bev Madden Ex Officio (Director, College
Development and Marketing) 574-6538

Meeting Agendas Meeting Summaries
Committee Plan
Enrollment Management Plan (Revised Spring 2010)
Comments and Suggestions

Enrollment Management Plan Status Report, 2011

Reference Documents