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Institutional Committees


Organization of Committees

Information about Committees at College of San Mateo is largely organized into five groups: Institutional Planning Committee (IPC) is currently CSM's primary planning entity. Since Fall 2014, it has assumed primary oversight of participatory governance. 

Committee Reporting Structure

"A graphic of the CSM participatory governance committee reporting structure. Central is the Institutional Planning Committee (IPC), which makes recommendations to the College President, who in turn makes recommendations to the district Chancellor and Board of Trustees on non-academic matters. IPC has four standing subcommittees: Educational Equity, Finance, Safety, and Technology Advisory. IPC may also have ad hoc task forces that make recommendations to the body. Three related bodies also have relationships to IPC: Associated Students (ASCSM), Classified Senate, and Academic Senate. Each of the three bodies officially represents their constituency to IPC and its subcommittees. Of the three bodies, Academic Senate is unique in having purview over academic and over professional matters as they relate to faculty, and may make recommendations on such matters to District Academic Senate and to administration, bypassing IPC. Academic Senate has four standing subcommittees: Teaching and Learning, Curriculum, Distance Education Advisory, and Program Review."

Compendiums of College Committees

The compendium includes the membership and mission descriptions for all college committees:

Recommended Templates for College Committees

CSM Planning Graphics

Planning Cycle and Planning Calendars

Note: the Planning Cycle document contains links to detailed calendars for Annual Budget Development; Committee on Instruction (COI); Program Review/PIV, and Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE). For additional college and district planning calendars, see Institutional Documents.
