Cooperative Education
The Cooperative Education (Coop Ed) Program at College of San Mateo offers students the opportunity to earn elective units of credit for work experience. Employed students establish written job-related goals with their work supervisors which are submitted to the assigned Cooperative Education Instructor. The Coop Ed student must work in the established goal areas and make measurable progress on each written goal during the course of the semester.
At the end of the semester, the Coop Ed Student submits Coop Ed timesheets that reflect the hours worked during the semester. Student and supervisor evaluations of the written goals are completed at the end of the semester.
Students may earn a total of 16 Coop Ed units at College of San Mateo. A total of 16 Coop Ed units are transferable to the California State Universities (CSU).
Qualifying for Coop 670 (Vocational Work Experience)
To qualify for Cooperative Education, your college major or occupational goal must be related to your job responsibilities.
To participate in the program, you must find your own job, which may be a paid or volunteer position. If you don't have a job at the time of registration, you must find one within the first two weeks of the semester. No class meetings! Simply attend one mandatory orientation during the first 3 weeks of the fall or spring semester.
Need help finding a job? Use Jobspeaker to search for jobs, internships, and career guidance.
Qualifying for Coop 620 (Community Engagement/Work Experience)
This course is a self-directed student volunteer program designed to facilitate experiential learning and service to the community. Volunteer placements can include animal care facilities, clinics, daycare centers, hospitals, recreation programs, senior centers, schools, and various social service agencies. Students volunteer 60 hours per unit per semester for 1 - 3 units during the semester.
Prerequisites: Students must have completed at least 9 college units prior to enrolling in Community
Corequisites: During the fall or spring semesters, students must be enrolled in a minimum of 6
college units including Community Engagement.
Spring 2024: January 25, 2024, 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm via Zoom.
Online On-Demand Orientation is available within Canvas for students registered for Coop.
How to Apply to Coop 670
In order to participate in Coop Ed, please complete the online application first. This course has a cohort restriction. Once you complete the application you will receive the cohort code needed for registration.
How to Apply to Community Engagement Coop 620
Upon completion of the program students will be able to:
- Gain realistic work experience that is meaningfully related to the student’s college study program.
- Acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential for successful employment.
- Demonstrate an increase in confidence and positive self-image through a worthwhile on-the-job experience.
- Develop a professional network and clarify career goals.
- Fulfill the “experience required” stipulation associated with many job openings.
Coop Ed units apply toward the following:
- Social Security benefits
- Insurance
- Financial aid
Coop Forms
March 30 - April 5, 2025
March 31, 2025
April 17, 2025