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Student Rights with Placement

Assembly Bill (AB) 705

Assembly Bill (AB) 705 is a bill signed by the Governor that requires California Community Colleges to maximize the probability that students will enter and complete transfer-level coursework in math and English within a one-year timeframe. AB 705 gives students the right to access and enroll into the first transfer-level or first transfer-level with co-requisite support courses in math and English. Non-native speakers of English that might place into English as a Second Language coursework have the opportunity to use multiple measures for placement.

Automated Placement at College of San Mateo

College of San Mateo uses the following measures collected through CCCApply to provide a preliminary math and English course recommendation:

  • High school grade point average (GPA)
  • High school coursework
  • High school grades
  • Intended program of study

Additional Placement Options

If you did not provide your high school transcript information during your application or you believe you are eligible for English as a Second Language coursework, please visit Assessment Services to help ensure optimal placement.

More Information on AB 705

Visit the California Community Colleges: Equitable Placement page for more information about AB 705.

Annual Disclosure AB 1805

Assembly Bill (AB) 1805 requires California Community College to publicly post annually its placement results, including the number of students assessed and the number of students placed into transfer-level coursework, transfer-level coursework with concurrent support, or transfer-level or credit ESL coursework, disaggregated by race and ethnicity.

Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025