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Undocumented Community Center

Pay for College

Getting In-State Tuition

If you are considered a “non-resident” student in California looking to go to college or access higher education, you will pay much higher tuition fees than resident students. In order to pay in-state tuition, the college must determine that you are a California resident for tuition purposes, or that you meet the eligibility to be exempt from non-­resident tuition through AB 540/AB 2000/SB 68.

If you are taking English as a Second Language (ESL) courses and/or you are an Undocumented Student, you may qualify to receive financial assistance to help you pay for your Enrollment Fees and any Non-Resident tuition. You qualify if you are taking 6 or fewer units at the San Mateo County Community College District and have been impacted by COVID.

Resident vs. Nonresident Fees: This is How Much Money You Can Save

2017-18 Yearly Estimated Average Tuition & Fees California Community College California State University University of California Eligible for the CA Dream Act
In-state Tuition for
Plus local campus fees
Plus local campus fees
Plus local campus fees
Plus local campus fees
In-state Tuition for
Plus local campus fees
Plus local campus fees
Plus local campus fees
Plus local campus fees

In order to become exempt from your non-resident tuition at a California public college or university, you must complete a , and and submit a completed copy to CSM's .

Who should fill out the affidavit?

New incoming students who are individuals without lawful immigration status (undocumented), Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) grantees, students with T or U nonimmigrant status, TPS, U.S. Citizens, Lawful Permanent Residents or other lawfully residing students who are classified as non-residents and meet the eligibility criteria for AB 540, AB 2000 or SB 68.

Why should I fill out an affidavit?

If you are not classified as a state resident, you will be charged non-resident fees until your af davit and necessary documentation are submitted and processed at the school you plan to attend. Additionally, you will not be eligible to receive your California Dream Act nancial aid until your af davit is processed.

What documentation do I have to submit?

There are two types of documentation you may be required to submit with the affidavit:

  1. An official copy of your transcripts from a CA High School or the equivalent (GED), a California Community College (credit or non-credit), an Adult School, or a combination of these transcripts.
  2. Proof that you have or will have graduated with a high school diploma or the equivalent (GED or CHSPE); an Associate’s Degree from a California Community College; or proof that you will have completed the minimum requirements for transfer to a CSU or UC. If you have three years of high school coursework, and attended a combination of three years at CA elementary & secondary schools, you may also be required to submit your transcripts from these schools.

When should I submit my affidavit?

You should submit your affidavit prior to the deadline listed to the Cañada College Admissions & Records Office, Building 9, First Floor. This is usually sometime after you receive your acceptance letter and prior to your new student orientation. Continuing students should not be required to submit a new affidavit, once it’s been approved, unless they have not attended classes for a full year and need to reapply to the school.

Where should I submit my affidavit?

You must submit your affidavit to the Cañada College Admissions & Records Office, Building 9, First Floor. Once you submit it, you should follow-up within the next 2 weeks to BE SURE that the College received all the necessary paperwork.

How do I complete the affidavit?

Fill out your full name, student ID number, address, email, and schools attended, including dates and length of time. You will also be required to attest that you meet the eligibility criteria. You must check the box that pertains to you and sign the form.

  1. Students with T or U non-immigrant or refugee status should consult with their school before completing the af davit. AB 1899 allows individuals who have been granted T or U status to be considered for in-state tuition eligibility without waiting a year, if they meet the criteria described above. Under AB 343, refugees, T and U visa holders may also be eligible to pay in-state rates immediately, under another exception for these students, if they settled originally in California.
  2. Students who do NOT have a current nonimmigrant status, including students who are undocumented, DACA recipients, have TPS, are U.S. Citizens, Lawful Permanent Residents, and other lawfully residing immigrants should check the SECOND box.
  3. Students who have been admitted to the U.S. on a temporary nonimmigrant visa (with the exception of T & U Visas holders) are not eligible to apply for the nonresident tuition exemption.

Assembly Bill 540 is a law that was passed in 2001 by the California legislature. This law is written for students who are undocumented or a U.S. Citizen/Permanent Resident who went to High School in California. If students meet specific requirements, including attending a California public institution of higher education, they are able to pay ‘resident fees’ instead of ‘non-resident fees.’

SB 68 expands AB 540 to enable students to count years spent at a California Community College and Adult School towards AB 540 eligibility. Additionally, the bill will allow the completion of an Associate’s Degree or satisfaction of the minimum requirements to transfer to the University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) to meet the degree or unit requirements. These new eligibility criteria expand possibilities for students educated in CA to qualify for in-state tuition and state-based financial aid at CCCs, CSUs, and UCs.

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