Parking Permit Requirements
No Student of Visitor Parking Permits required for the 2024-2025 Academic Year
In an effort to assist in removing possible financial barriers and create a greater
atmosphere of inclusion with everyone in our campus community, the San Mateo Community
College District Board of Trustees has approved the removal of student and visitor
parking fees for 2024-2025 Academic year.
Parking will be open to parking without any permit requirements in all designated "Student Parking Lots" We can assist with answering any parking related questions at (650) 738-7000.
Employee Parking Permits
At this time, all parking areas designated "Staff Parking" will require a dash board/hanging
district staff permit placed fully visible on the dash board or front facing area
of the vehicle.
Employees are permitted to park in any staff/student parking lot in a valid marked/lined parking space.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Parking in the EV charging stations is limited solely to electric vehicles that are actively charging with a maximum time limit of 4 hours per vehicle and do not require a parking permit. After the four hour maximum limit there will be a $5 fee per hour with a maximum fee of $20 per session. Any vehicle parked in an EV space that is not an electric vehicle or not charging will be subject to a citation.
CSM Athletic Center Parking
Special parking permits issued by the CSM Athletic Center are required at all times
for parking in Lot B. All other permits are not valid. For more information, call
(650) 378-7373 or visit the CSM Athletic Center website.
Athletic Center parking permits will be honored for up to 3 hours in any student lot
across all three district campuses (College of San Mateo, Skyline College and Cañada
Traffic and Parking Regulations
The campus speed limit is 15 mph.
Parking is permitted only on blacktop surfaces in specifically marked parking spaces. Parking on unpaved areas, in roadways, in crosshatched areas, in marked end zones,
in areas posted as no parking zones, or in any unauthorized area is prohibited. Vehicles
parked backed into diagonal parking spaces can create a hazard when exiting and will
be subject to citation.
Driving or parking within the inner campus is prohibited.
The campus is open daily from 7 am to 10 pm.
Stopped or standing vehicles on sidewalks, roadways or restricted areas will be subject
to citation.
The College and San Mateo County Community College District accept no liability for
vandalism, theft or accidents. Use of parking facilities is at the user’s risk. Parking
and traffic regulations are enforced by the Campus Safety Department staff, and violators
are cited to the civil administrative procedures on campus as set forth in the California
Vehicle Code. Students who violate traffic regulations are subject to disciplinary
action as outlined in the student conduct code. The College reserves the right to
change parking regulations for special events.
Skateboards and Bicycles
The riding of skateboards on campus is prohibited by SMCCCD Regulations. Bicycles
may be operated on campus.
The California Vehicle Code prohibits the operation of bicycles on sidewalks.
Disabled Parking
Blue Disabled parking spaces have been provided in Lots A, B, C, D, G, Q, S, T and
U (see the Campus Map). A vehicle must have and display a valid California State Disabled Person Placard
(issued by DMV) to park. Disability parking spaces are regulated under California
Vehicle Code Section 22511.5 Disabled Parking Authorized Parking Zones. No student,
staff, daily, patron or visitor parking permit required when displaying a valid CA
DP placard.
Public Transit
SamTrans operates three bus routes to the college: Route 250 (San Mateo downtown and
Caltrain), Route 260 (San Carlos Caltrain, Redwood Shores & Belmont) and Route 294 (Half Moon
Bay). All buses have wheelchair lifts and accommodate two to four bikes. Route 250
provides weekday service until 10:15 pm. Routing information is available at 1-800-660-4287
and samtrans.com. Printed schedules are also available at the Student Life and Leadership Office in
Building 17, Room 112.
Elevator access is available in the following buildings: 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 12, 14, 18
and 36.
Parking, traffic regulations, and the California Vehicle Code are enforced under the
authority of Section 21113A CVC*. Consistent or flagrant violations may cause the
vehicle to be towed away at the owner's expense.
The District provides parking on its facilities but accepts no liability for vandalism,
theft, or accident.
Except for specific spaces reserved for visitors, staff and the disabled, parking
is on a first-come, first-served basis. The permit is not a guarantee of a parking space. Citations for parking violations are sent to the Office of Parking Violations weekly.
All citations are reviewed by the Office of Parking Violations and must be processed
through the Office of Parking Violations procedures. Directions for requesting a hearing
are explained on the citation.
* In accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 40202, citations may not be informally
rescinded by College of San Mateo authorities.
Appealing a Parking Citation
See instructions on the Appealing a Parking Citation page.
College Public Safety Services
San Mateo County Community College District maintains a Public Safety Service to provide for the security of persons and facilities at each college in the District. The Public Safety Service at each college is assigned responsibility for enforcing parking regulations and providing various security duties. Public Safety Service at College of San Mateo is provided by classified security officers and is located on the first floor of Building 1. Enforcement of moving traffic regulations is the responsibility of the San Mateo Police Department.
March 30 - April 5, 2025
March 31, 2025
April 17, 2025