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Dance Performance & Production

DANC 400, Dance Performance and Production is one of the cornerstone dance classes at CSM.

In this class, students choreograph, dance in, and produce a formal dance show. That means that you will work with the class community to run rehearsals, design the posters, market the performance, light your pieces, cut your music, stage manage, and get into all the deeper workings of a fully produced dance performance.

Faculty is there to advise, give a basic framework, and to provide assistance, but the core of this class is student-run. Some dance pieces even travel to other colleges and festival to perform.

It is a wonderful opportunity to dance, perform, learn about show production, get into dance marketing, and make friends that will last a lifetime.

Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025