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Adult-Education College and Career Educational Leadership (ACCEL) is the planning body for San Mateo County responsible for carrying out the charge and opportunity of AB 86. ACCEL is collaboratively rethinking and redesigning Adult Education to accelerate student success.

We are a coalition of adult schools, community colleges and partners throughout the region. Our mission is to support adult education students' transition to college, workplace success, and community contributions.

The California Legislature passed the AB 86 Adult Education Consortium Planning program to develop a seamless system of transitions between Adult Schools and Community Colleges. ACCEL's goal is to create collaborative relationships, systems and strategies to achieve sustainable results as community needs change. Our collaboration includes:

  • A countywide Steering Committee developing integrated regional strategies
  • Collaborative Action Teams (CATs) creating targeted initiatives to meet sub-regional needs
  • Partnerships with community organizations, public agencies, employers, labor and philanthropy
    to expand options for adult learner