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Final Examinations
December 10-16, 2024
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December 24 - January 1
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January 13, 2025
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Basic Skills Initiative

Our long-term goals inform and guide BSI and college planning. The BSI Long-Term Goals and Action Plan serve as our college's yearly comprehensive plan, including planned activities, associated long-term goal, target date for completion, responsible persons/departments, and measurable outcomes. More immediate goals and action plans can be found here:
Long-Term Goal, A (5 years, 2012-2013 to 2017-2018) 
Students participating in success programs/initiatives designed to serve those from traditionally under-represented or low achieving groups will perform at the college average or above in course success and persistence—depending on the particular intervention. See specific activities and measurable outcomes associated with each.  

Long-Term Goal, B (5 years, 2012-2013 to 2017-2018) 
The CSM BSI Committee, in collaboration with CSM’s Academic Senate Governing Council, will promote organized professional enrichment/development opportunities for basic skills faculty as well as transfer-level faculty who serve large numbers of underprepared students. Over five years the number of on-campus professional enrichment activities will increase by 40% and overall faculty participation in campus initiatives to promote student success will increase by 30%.

Revised 11/05/2014