Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
Basic Skills Initiative
BSI Adjunct Faculty Fund

The Basic Skills Initiative Committee is pleased to announce a new fund that compensates adjunct faculty for work with Basic Skills students that is outside of regularly paid activities (teaching/counseling, , certain FLEX activities).

For Spring 2016, $5,000 has been set aside for this fund.


Applicants must be adjunct faculty at CSM working in support of Basic Skills students in one of the following roles, which are listed in order of priority that funds will be awarded:
  1. Working directly with Basic Skills students or other faculty to assist Basic Skills students (student meetings/workshops -- writing assistance, reading comprehension, time management, etc.), retreats, teaching circles, curriculum development, norming grading, etc.) 
  2. Attending training outside of normal teaching/counseling hours related to Basic Skills students (professional development workshops, training sessions, etc.)
  3. Participation in other department and division duties related to the success of Basic Skills students (Program Review, Course Outlines, Division/Department meetings, etc.)
To apply, you must:
  • Create a Word document entitled “Spring 2016 BSI Adjunct Fund Request“ that includes:
    1. your contact information (name, phone, e-mail and department)
    2. a one-paragraph description of the activities for which the funds will be used and how these activities meet the criteria, and
    3. contact information of a dean/faculty/staff member who can validate your work/participation.

  • Send your document (.docx or .pdf) via e-mail to Jeremiah Sims, Director of Equity, and cc: Annie Theodos, in the ASLT Division.
To be paid, you must:
  • Have submitted an application and been approved for funds.
  • Fill out a timesheet (each month as applicable) by the payroll deadline to Jeremiah Sims, Director of Equity, and cc: Annie Theodos, in the ASLT Division.

Each applicant will receive no more than 10 hours of funding support per semester, and the BSI Committee reserves the right to diversify awards so that a variety of applicants and activities receive funding. Applicants should be prepared to report, in person at a meeting, or in writing, their activities to the BSI Committee.