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February 14-17, 2025
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Institutional Committees
Committee Archive and Ad Hoc Groups

CSM's committee structure mirrors CSM’s integrated planning model. Each year it evaluates various aspects of its planning processes.

Over the past several years, CSM has made several changes to its committee structure. In Fall 2014, College Council voted to disbanded itself, with Institutional Planning Committee (IPC) assuming  College Council's role for oversight of participatory governance. In Fall 2013, the Budget Planning Committee (BPC) was discontinued and its functions also adopted by IPC. The Distance Education Committee (DEC) and the Technology Committee (TAC) have been reconstituted as the Distance Education and Educational Technology Committee (DEETC).  The Human Resources Committee (HRC) has been discontinued. The Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) has been redefined were transformed into two Task Forces concerned with student success, Math and Student Engagement. They completed their work in Spring 2014.

Suspended Institutional Planning Committees

College Council (Suspended 10-2014)

Note: College Council has been evaluating its role over the past two academic years (2012-2014). It will be disbanded in Fall 2014 and its primary function, as an oversight body of participatory governance, will be assumed by the Integrated Planning Committee (IPC).

Budget Planning Committee (BPC)
Note: In Fall 2013, the Integrated Planning Committee assumed the responsibilities of BPC.

Distance Education (DEC) became Distance Education and Educational Technology Committee.
DEC webpage contains committee agendas and minutes, 2009-2012.

Enrollment Management Committee (HRC)
In Spring 2013, HRC assumed a new role to focus on college priorities. Two focused IPC Task Forces were created as a result: the Math Task Force, active 2013-2014, and the Student Engagement Task Force, active 2013-2014.

Human Resources Committee (HRC)
Note: Suspended in 2013

Technology Committee (TAC)
Note: In 2013/2014 TAC was suspended as many of its efforts were redundant or overlapped with SMCCCD technology planning activities. Planning activities are assumed by the district and other local planning efforts and the Distance Education and Educational Technology Committee (DEETC) has assumed responsibility for advising the college about educational technology trends.

IPC Ad Hoc Task Forces

Notes: Ad Hoc committees which reported to the Integrated Planning Committee.
Suspended College Committees at Large

Accreditation Oversight Committee (AOC)
In Fall 2024, the Institutional Planning Committee assumed the responsibilities of AOC.

Art on Campus Committee (AOC)
Notes: Reports to the college president.

Trustees’ Program Improvement Fund

Note: Currently the Trustees’ Program Improvement Fund has been suspended by the Board of Trustees. CSM has created an Innovative Grants program to help address the need.

Purpose: The overall goal is to support the sustained effort of improving the educational programs and services of the SMCCCD. Funds projects with specific and applicable outcomes to enrich student learning and improve student services and are beyond the normal professional duties and responsibilities of full- and part-time faculty specified in the collective bargaining agents of the SMCCCD.