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Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
Learning Center
Student Programs/Services

Group Study RoomsGroups of two or more students may request a reservation for one of three Learning Center Study Rooms (10‑220B, 10‑220C, or 10‑220E).

To make a reservation:
  • Call us at (650) 574-6570
  • Stop by the CSM Learning Center front counter
Groups may make up to 3 reservations per week, and reservations can be made for a maximum of 3 hours.

Rooms are not to be used for anyting other than academically related activites. 

Food is not allowed in study rooms.

LC Student Success WorkshopsWe offer free, drop-in workshops that cover awide variety of topics that support student achievement. See our upcoming workshops below.

Scholarship Personal Statement Writing Strategies
Date TBD

In-Person/Classroom M inside Learning Center

Scholarship Personal Statement Writing Strategies
Date TBD

Scholarship Personal Statement Writing Strategies
Date TBD

Textbook and Technology Lending Program
Textbooks are now available for CSM students to check out for a two-hour loan period, with the option to renew if nobody else needs the book. Textbooks are available on a first-come, first-served basis and are located at the front desk. Textbooks cannot leave the Learning Center and must be returned to a staff person before the center closes. 

Calculators are also available for CSM students to check out. The Learning Center has several calculators available for check out for a two-hour period with the option to renew if nobody else needs the calculator. Calculators are available on a first-come, first-served basis and are located at the front desk and must be returned before the center closes. If you lose or do not return a calculator, you may be charged the full current replacement cost. 

Laptop computers are available for CSM students to check out for a two-hour period, with the option to renew for an additional two hours if nobody else needs the laptop. Laptop computers cannot leave the Learning Center and must be returned to a staff person at the front desk before the center closes. Students are asked to sign a laptop borrowing policy statement their first time borrowing a laptop each semester. As with other items through the lending program, laptops are available on a first-come, first-served basis and borrowers may be responsible for any loss or damage to the laptops.

If you have questions about this program or would like further information, please call (650) 574-6570.