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Supplemental Instruction


Contact Us

Shanna Cooper
Program Coordinator
(650) 574-6570
College of San Mateo is embracing a proven model of student academic support: Supplemental Instruction! SI is based on peer-lead study sessions held outside of class where trained SI leaders reinforce the instruction provided by professors. Student-to-student interaction is the basis of this model which has been used world-wide since 1973.

The CSM Nursing department has been using the SI program in support of its first year students for five semesters with impressive results. We are very excited about this new academic support initiative and look forward to further expansion of the SI support model to include additional courses.

Meet the Staff

Renata Caliman
Title: Supplemental Instruction Leader
Responsibilities: Provide out-of-class support for Ethnic Studies students
Major: Communication Studies
Other interests: Reading, learning languages and hiking
Jordan Ohara

Title: Supplemental Instruction Leader
Responsibilities: Provide out-of-class support for first year Nursing students
Major: Nursing
Other interests: Nursing, running, traveling, hiking, surfing, swimming.

Melissa Towner

Title: Supplemental Instruction Leader
Responsibilities: Provide out-of-class support for first year Nursing students