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Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
Learning Center
Rules & Policies

In order to keep the Learning Center (LC) running as an effective and supportive learning environment, 
students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with CSM Student Conduct policies and adhere to the following guidelines.

  • Every student will need his or her G number to check in and out of the Learning Center.
  • To check in to the LC, students must be enrolled at CSM.
  • No food or drink is allowed as they can damage computer equipment. Please finish food and beverages before entering the LC.
  • The center is a quiet area. Talking should be minimal. Students who need to work in groups may reserve a study room in the center.
  • Disruptive behavior, such as shouting or cursing, will not be tolerated.
  • Work on the computer must be related to assigned class work. 
  • The absolute safety of files stored on the network drive cannot be guaranteed. Students are responsible for keeping critical files on their own devices.
  • Students should report computer problems to a LC staff person.
  • Displaying inappropriate items is considered misuse of computers and will be reported to campus authorities. Examples of inappropriate items are sexually explicit, graphically disturbing, or harassing images or text.
  • Copying any software from the computer labs is ILLEGAL. Installation of software or configuration changes on lab computers is NOT allowed.
  • Do not unplug any computer station from the network.
  • Rude behavior towards LC staff will not be tolerated.
  • Please turn cell phones and pagers off or put in inaudible mode. Take all cell phone conversations outside.
  • Students must leave workspaces clean - chair pushed in, garbage thrown away, etc.
  • Pets are not allowed in the LC. (This does not include service animals.)
Violation of these rules may lead to revocation of Learning Center privileges, disciplinary action from CSM
based off of Student Conduct policies, or other legal actions.