Articles & Databases: Streaming Video
Many of our databases include at least some streaming video content. Those listed below are dedicated primarily to streaming video.
Alexander StreetDance in VideoFilms on DemandKanopySwank
Please note, some content assigned for classes is hard to find streaming, and the Library is unable to get every title assigned. Also check course reserve lists at CSM which include DVDs and availability at other PLS Libraries for additional options.
Streaming videos, ebooks, and more. Our featured collections are Dance in Video, volume 1 and the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers. However, it also includes individual film title selections from syllabi for film studies, and other courses.
Dance in Video contains dance productions and documentaries by the most influential performers and companies of the 20th century. Selections cover ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, experimental, and improvisational dance, as well as forerunners of the forms and the pioneers of modern concert dance.
Topics include Humanities and Social Sciences, Business and Economics, Science and Mathematics and Health and Medicine.
Kanopy New!
Select streaming film titles that appear on syllabi of film studies and other courses. When logging in to this film database look for the orange "LOG IN TO SANMATEO" or "WATCH NOW" buttons to finish the log-in process for this resource.
This streaming film database features a selection of 100 films from the majority of the major Hollywood studios as well as many independent, foreign, art house, and documentary offerings. Films are selected from course syllabi.
Access Key
- = Open Access databases do not require Library card login, and feature freely available content
- = Databases with content for use by any Peninsula Library System member
- = Databases with content only for use by CSM students, faculty, and staff