Diversity in Action Group (DIAG)
Student Equity Plan
Mission The mission of the Diversity in Action Work Group is to ensure that unity through diversity is among the College of San Mateo's highest priorities. DIAG supports diversity through programming by granting programming funds for college-wide events that support the college commitment to diversity and inclusiveness. There is an annual allocation to the workgroup by the college president that allows the group to further their mission. The availability of funds is advertised by sending emails to all faculty members through Academic Senate and to all staff members through the Classified Senate.
The Diversity in Action Work Group was formed during the Spring semester, 2018. DIAG was formerly the Diversity Planning Committee. The mission of the Diversity Planning Committee is now undertaken by the Educational Equity Committee.
Diversity in Action Group - Request for Funding Form
The Diversity in Action Work Group was formed during the Spring semester, 2018. DIAG was formerly the Diversity Planning Committee. The mission of the Diversity Planning Committee is now undertaken by the Educational Equity Committee.
Diversity in Action Group - Request for Funding Form
Alma Aguilar
Classified Staff | aguilaralma@smccd.edu | (650) 574-6169 |
Melissa Ehm Manuofetoa (Co-Chair) | Faculty | manuofetoam@smccd.edu | (650) 574-6246 |
Lu (Lydia) Chen | Faculty | chenl@smccd.edu | (650) 574-6188 |
Jennifer De La Cruz
Faculty | delacruzjen@smccd.edu | (650) 574-6226 |
Krystal Duncan
Administrator | duncan@smccd.edu | (650) 378-7223 / 574-6440 |
Andy Gomez | Faculty | gomezandy@smccd.edu | (650) 574-6400 |
Gwendolynn Kenny (Co-Chair) | Classified Staff | kennyg@smccd.edu | (650) 574-6154 |
Claudia Menjivar | Administrator | menjivar@smccd.edu | (650) 574-6146 |
Paola Mora Paredes | Classified Staff | morap@smccd.edu | (650) 574-6150 |
Rudy Ramirez | Faculty | ramirezr@smccd.edu | (650) 574-6372 |
Patrice Reed-Fort | Faculty | reedfortp@smccd.edu | (650) 574-6168 |
Karen Rose Naval | Classified Staff | navalk@smccd.edu | (650) 574-6189 |
Roxana Rugliancich | Faculty | rugliancich@smccd.edu | (650) 574-6223 |
Warren Shelby |
Classified Staff | shelbyw@smccd.edu | (650) 378-7264 |
Finausina Tovo | Faculty | tovof@smccd.edu | (650) 574-6535 |
Makiko Ueda | Faculty | uedam@smccd.edu | (650) 574-6125 |
Brandon Williams | Faculty | williamsb@smccd.edu |
- Diversity in Action Group - Request for Funding Form
- Diversity in Action Group (DIAG) Survey
- DIAG Fillable (Post Event)
- District Independent Contractor Forms (Paperwork for Facilitators/Speakers/Performers)
- Forms to submit (all forms available for download at the link above):
- Independent Contract Form
- IC Questionnaire
- Form W-9
- IC Payment Authorization Form
- Forms to submit (all forms available for download at the link above):
- Event Funding Approval Criteria:
- Relevance to DIAG Mission & Values: Includes information regarding how the proposed event or activity will enhance the cause of diversity on the CSM Campus. Seeks to foster a climate of inclusion within the campus community, working to enrich an understanding and respect for all community members.
- Promoting and Marketing: The project demonstrates a broad collaborative effort with other departments/divisions/schools/ or outside organizations. It reaches out to a diverse range of campus members.
- Budget: The budget is reasonable and follows diversity grant budget guidelines. It demonstrates an effort to identify resources and maximize funds.
- Clarity of Proposal: uses a logical structure appropriate to the subject and purpose. Easy to understand and very detailed. Guides the reader through the chain of reasoning or progression of ideas.
Agendas and Meeting Summaries
Agendas: 2018-2019 Fall 2019 |
Summaries: 2018-2019 Fall 2019
Agendas & Meeting Summaries Prior to Spring 2018 |
Spring 2018
Spring 2018 |
Fall 2018 |
Fall 2018 |