***Important information Below***
If you are a NEW or Returning student, please contact the CSM Welcome Center at (650) 574-6175 or email: CSMWelcomeCenter@smccd.edu. (See the Welcome Center Link on the left hand column)
If you need a Counseling Appointment, please call (650) 574-6400 or visit the Counseling Services website to make a Counseling Appointment online through your OneLogin Portal.
If you need to request transcripts or apply for your ADT (AA‑T/AS‑T) Degree, log in to your WebSMART account and go to Student Services, or Contact CSM Admissions. (Make an appointment with a Counselor to apply for your ADT Degree. Counseling appointments can be made in Bldg.10 Rm. 340)
If you have transcripts from other colleges & universities you want evaluated, please visit the Transcript Evaluation website.
For general transfer questions, email csmtransfer@smccd.edu.
If you are a NEW or Returning student, please contact the CSM Welcome Center at (650) 574-6175 or email: CSMWelcomeCenter@smccd.edu. (See the Welcome Center Link on the left hand column)
If you need a Counseling Appointment, please call (650) 574-6400 or visit the Counseling Services website to make a Counseling Appointment online through your OneLogin Portal.
If you need to request transcripts or apply for your ADT (AA‑T/AS‑T) Degree, log in to your WebSMART account and go to Student Services, or Contact CSM Admissions. (Make an appointment with a Counselor to apply for your ADT Degree. Counseling appointments can be made in Bldg.10 Rm. 340)
If you have transcripts from other colleges & universities you want evaluated, please visit the Transcript Evaluation website.
For general transfer questions, email csmtransfer@smccd.edu.
Transfer Services provide important services to assist students in planning for transfer to a four-year college or university. Information and workshops are offered on transfer requirements, transfer planning, writing the application essay, choosing a college, and completing transfer admission applications.
Transfer Services also schedules representatives from other universities and colleges, including UC, CSU and private universities, to meet with students on a regular basis. CSM has Transfer Admission Agreements with a number of four-year institutions which can guarantee transfer admission.
For more information about transfer planning refer to the CSM Catalog and the CSM Transfer Services Booklet.
Associate Degrees for Transfer
As a result of Senate Bill 1440, California community colleges now offer special associate degrees to support efficient transfer to campuses within the California State University system.
In June 2012 the UC Academic Assembly approved amendments to SR 467.C that add completion of an Associate Degree for Transfer (in a relevant major) from a California Community College as an additional pathway to UC transfer admissions.
The degrees are described in the following document and are included in the CSM Catalog.
As a result of Senate Bill 1440, California community colleges now offer special associate degrees to support efficient transfer to campuses within the California State University system.
In June 2012 the UC Academic Assembly approved amendments to SR 467.C that add completion of an Associate Degree for Transfer (in a relevant major) from a California Community College as an additional pathway to UC transfer admissions.
The degrees are described in the following document and are included in the CSM Catalog.
UC & CSU Information Websites below regarding all 9 UC Campuses and 23 CSU Campuses as well as the UC & CSU Application Filing Periods

UC Berkeley Conference Tour 2025

Contact Us
Transfer Services
College Center Building 10, Room 340
Last Day to Apply for Degree - Certificate : April 11, 2025
Make an appointment with a Counselor to apply (Bldg. 10 - 340)
Fall/Spring/Summer Hours:
Day | Time | Modality |
Mon - Thu | 8:00 am - 3:30 pm | In Person |
Fri | 8:00 am - 12:00 pm | Virtual |
For Academic Counseling Appointments call the Counseling Center at: 650-574-6400
For students beginning their CSM academic studies and plan to transfer to a UC or even transferring in general, be sure to fill out the UC TAP (Transfer Application Planner). See flyer & Website below!
Interested in transferring to a CSU? Check the CSU Planner below to keep track of your coursework at CSM! See "Why Choose the CSU" below
Transfer Club
Meets the 1st & 3rd Mondays of the month during the Fall and Spring semesters!
Next meeting: April 7th
Time: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Location: Bldg. 17 Rm. 112 - Student Life Office
TOPIC: Next Steps inTransferring - presented by Active Minds & Personal Counselor: Johnny Leon. Locatioin: Student Life Office Center: Bldg. 17 Room 112
*All Virtual University Rep Appointments and Workshop registration is on Event Calendar (link on left)
March 26th - UC Davis Virtual Counseling Appointments (9am - 12:30pm
March 28th - UC Davis Virtual Counseling Appointments (9:30am - 1:30pm)
April 7th: Transfer Club Meeting: Topic: Next Steps in Transferring - presented by CSM Active MInds & Personal Counselor Johnny Leon. Location: Student Life Center: Bldg. 17 Room 112