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Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
Transfer Services
Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do to be eligible to transfer?
Sixty (60) transferable units are required to transfer to a four-year university as a junior and possibly more depending on the student’s major and to where they are transferring.

What is the minimum GPA I need to transfer?
Again, it depends on the major and to where the student is transferring. For UCs GPA’s can range anywhere from a 2.8 – 3.8 depending on how competitive the major and university may be. For CSUs it’s generally a 2.0 (depending on major and campus) and for private universities, generally, a 2.5.

Can I transfer without a major?
No. UC and CSU campuses expect students to have a declared major when applying.  Students can enroll in any of our College and Career Success courses to help them decide on a major.

What is the best university to attend?
It all depends on what is “best” for the student: Factors to consider are major, course curriculum, cost, internships, housing, social activities, and geographic location, among others.

Can I transfer early, before completing my freshman and sophomore years of university work at College of San Mateo?
Many UC & CSU campuses will not consider lower division transfers (students with fewer than 60 units) due to space. Check each individual campus during the application filing period at (CSUs) or (UCs).

Which transfer General Education pattern should I follow?
If transferring to a CSU campus, follow the CSU GE Breadth Requirements. If transferring to a UC campus, follow the IGETC requirements and always look at ASSIST.ORG for major prep courses for both UCs and CSUs.  For private/out-of state universities follow the schools own GE pattern and if in doubt, follow IGETC.

Am I still considered a transfer student if I have attended other four-year universities in the past?
It depends on how many transferable units you’ve completed. You need to contact the university you plan to transfer to and have your transcripts evaluated by CSMs Transcript Evaluation Services.

What is a Transfer Admission Agreement or Guarantee?
A formal written agreement that outlines courses you must complete and the GPA you must earn before transferring to a four-year university.

How long will it take me to transfer?
Depends on the major and transfer institution you select, as well as the number of units you take each semester. Generally speaking, it takes about three years to transfer.

How do I know if I'm even on the right track in achieving my transfer goals?
See a counselor who can develop an educational plan for you which will also give you priority registration at CSM. Course requirements can change year to year so keep up-to-date by periodically visiting an academic advisor/counselor.