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Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information

Guaranteed Transfer Contracts

What is a Guaranteed Transfer Contract (GTC)?

A Guaranteed Transfer Contract (GTC) is a formal, written agreement that outlines the College of San Mateo courses you must complete before transferring to a participating institution. Upon completion of GTC requirements, transfer admission is guaranteed.

Note: Only a small number of 4-year institutions offer GTC's. Whenever possible, CSM participates in GTC arrangements. A GTC is not required for transfer. However, it guarantees admission upon completion of all general education and major required coursework.

A GTC may be written after you have completed at least 30 semester units of transferable coursework, and may be written up to one year before transfer. Contact your counselor as soon as you start CSM to begin planning.

For more answers to GTC questions, please read GTC FAQ's.

Student Checklist for Guaranteed Transfer Contracts

  • Have at least 30 UC/CSU transferable units already completed
  • Complete all major prep work found on
  • Have 60 UC/CSU transferable units done by Spring semester prior to transferring
  • Make sure all transcripts from other colleges and universities are on file at CSM’s Admissions & Records
  • Attend a UC TAP/TAG Workshop during the fall filing period
  • Make an appointment with a counselor/advisor to review your TAG and make certain you have a Student Educational Plan on file (SEP)
  • Bring copies of all transcripts (unofficial ones are fine) to counselor meeting
  • Submit contracts online by the due date
CSM Transfer Opportunities: Subject Areas and Majors

CSM offers Guaranteed Transfer with the following colleges & universities:

Fall 2025 University of California Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAGS) are now done online at
Submission of UC TAGS is to be completed between September 1-30, 2024.

University of California

UC Davis

UC Irvine

UC Riverside
UC Santa Barbara

UC Santa Cruz

UC Merced
Click on Info Box and type in Transfer Admission Guarantee

California State University

San Francisco State University/Cal State University East Bay
  • No TAG Forms required; apply during published priority application filing periods
Private, Independent, and Out-of-State Independent Colleges & Universities

Academy of Art University
University of Arizona
Arizona State University
DeVry University
Golden Gate University
Hult International Business School
Menlo College
Notre Dame de Namur
Northern Arizona University Palo Alto University
Pepperdine University
Saint Mary's
Santa Clara University University of Massachusetts University of Pacific University of San Francisco Western Govenors University
Historically Black Colleges and Universities

California community college transfer students who meet certain academic criteria will be guaranteed admission to 39 historically black colleges and universities.

Under the agreement, students who apply to the schools and obtain a transfer level associate degree with a GPA of 2.5 or higher and complete either the University of California Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum, or the California State University General Education Breadth pattern, will be guaranteed admission with junior standing.