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Transfer Services
Alumni Student Testimonials

Anna KeiloAnna Marie Keilo - UCLA
Major: Psychology

I started at College of San Mateo in Fall '08 from high school. In the beginning I had no idea what I wanted to major in or where to transfer. I took a career class for choosing majors and researched different majors and careers. After deciding on psychology, I needed to pick a university.  I attended the Transfer Club meetings that had different university representatives
visiting and with the help of Mike Mitchell from Transfer Services I signed a TAG (Transfer Admission Guarantee) with UC Davis.  I also visited reps during CSM's Transfer Day asking questions of individual colleges and comparing what each had to offer. After narrowing down my decison I applied to two UCs - UC Davis and UCLA. I frequently went to the Transfer Services office for help with my on-line application and I also attended the UC Application and Financial Aid workshops organized by Mr. Mitchell and the Transfer Club. These workshops had useful information and helped me with the transfer process so I didn't feel lost.  Along with the resources of Transfer Services, I frequently visited my counselor to make sure I was on top of my classes and units. Using my resources wisely is what helped me successfully transfer to UCLA. 

jeremyJeremy Cham - UC Berkeley
Major: Economics
After graduating from high school, I continued my studies at College of San Mateo in fall 2007. With CSM Transfer Services, I am able to get to know more about how to transfer to a four-year university. Hoping to obtain more information concerning transfer, I started working with CSM transfer coordinator Mr. Mike Mitchell in my first semester. I joined the Transfer Club, became an officer, and participated in various transfer related activities, including fund-raisers, university campus tours, and different workshops. After accumulating adequate experience, I was elected president of the Transfer Club in Fall 2008. I was given a chance to organize different activities, and I have learned a lot from that experience. Thanks to Mr. Mike Mitchell, who has provided me with a lot of information, I started to have a better understanding of the application process as well as the choice of major. CSM Transfer Club offers students different activities, giving us an opportunity to meet our educational goals. Furthermore, by participating in the activities that Transfer Club organizes, students are able to interact and share information with other transfer students.  In fall 2008, we organized a campus tour to University of California, Berkeley. We advertised the tour, contacted participants, and obtained funds from the student government. It was a great experience as I enjoy interacting with different people and solving problems as a team.  If you are planning to transfer, please do not hesitate to contact CSM Transfer Services, and join the Transfer Club.

Katerina Mazina - UC San Diego
Major: Economics
I have graduated high school outside of U.S.A. Right after moving here I came to study at CSM. Everything seemed so new and unknown. However, I have been extremely lucky during my first semester here to get involved with the Transfer club. It helped me immensely to get to know the different universities, the process of transferring and all the different aspects of getting actively involved with an on-campus club. Through the help of various workshops I had the opportunity to greatly improve my knowledge on how to apply to a four-year university. Moreover, upon applying to a UC I had great help with my UC application and personal statement. Also, through my involvement with the Transfer Club I got a chance to be a part of the Associated Students of CSM. In this organization I have met the most wonderful people that I am very proud to know. Overall, these have been an amazing two years, and I am very thankful for all the help and support I have been lucky to receive!

wenWendy Wen - UC Berkeley
Major: Economics
Without CSM Transfer Services' support and help, I am sure I would have struggled more on the transferring process. CSM Transfer Services was successfully helping me out throughout my entire transfer process. Transfer Services offers different kinds of workshops to assist in writing the Personal Statement, filing UC on-line application and handling financial aid and EOP applications. By attending the Transfer Club meetings and participating in various workshops from university representatives, I received a better education and valuable information on transferring.  Also, Transfer Services offers UC, CSU, Private Universities' catalogs to help me figure out the major and general education requirements for transferring. Transfer Services' website has a lot of useful information for weekly events, Transfer Admissions Agreements as well as other resource information, so I could conveniently get information from there. Mr. Mike Mitchell answers the transfer questions in a timely and friendly manner and has sponsored CSM students to go on university tours like UC Davis, UC Berkeley and Stanford to acquire a better understanding of the 4-year university system and to help with the decision making process on which school to choose.  I really benefitted from CSM Transfer Services. With sincere appreciation from my heart, I really want to say thanks for CSM Transfer Services and the CSM Counseling Center. 

meiMei Zhou, San Francisco State University
Major: Nursing
"CSM provided tons of opportunities as well as advice to guide me in achieving my goal, I'd like to thank CSM Transfer Services and coordinator Mike Mitchell for helping me choose and apply to universities. The transfer workshops taught me how to prepare university applications and write personal statements. The Transfer Center has so many experienced counselors -- Mr. Mitchell, Ms. Linda Scholer, and Ms. Aisha Upshaw. Their helpful advice helped to keep me motivated and allowed me to conquer all the difficulties I'd been facing."

Albert FangAlbert Fang, UC San Diego
Major: Economics & Mathematics
After graduating from College of San Mateo, I'm now attending UC San Diego to further my studies in economics and mathematics. Transfer Services at CSM really helped me with my UC and CSU applications. I attended the UC Application, Personal Statement, and How to Transfer to 4-year University workshops offered by Transfer Services. They really helped me with my personal statement and the process of applying to a four-year university. I would encourage everyone to take advantage of the Transfer Services. When I came to College of San Mateo in Fall 2006, I volunteered with the Transfer Services, Adapted Physical Education and CSM Connects. Also, I joined the Associated Students of CSM as a student senator. As a student senator, I served on a number of committees to organize a variety fun events on campus like Spring Fling, Oktoberfest, Welcome Week, and Club Day to help improve the College's environment for the students.

Danielle SchranerDanielle Schraner, UC Berkeley
Major: Mass Communications & International Studies
After graduating from Oceana High School, I assumed that I would be going to a four year university, but because I didn’t know what I really wanted to do my parents suggested that I go to College of San Mateo for my general education courses, as they had done themselves.  At first I felt a little ashamed of going to a community college, but on the first day, which was sunny and warm, I walked past the library and caught a whiff of my favorite scent, honey suckle.  And from that moment I knew that I would do great here and make the best of everything as I generally do.  I loved every class I took and loved meeting all of the people that I did. I made some of my best friends in my two short years here.  The transfer and counseling services are amazing.  I was lucky enough to find a counselor that matched my personality and determination.  She guided me through the somewhat difficult first steps and then gave me the tools to finish strong.  The “Transfer Day” allowed me to talk face-to-face with the colleges that I was thinking of attending.  The transfer web site had everything I needed to make sure that I would stay on track to transfer in two years with all my general education requirements completed.  With support from professors, counselors and my parents I am proud to be leaving CSM to attend UC Berkeley next fall. I will be studying mass communications and international studies.

Tiffany WongTiffany Won, UC Berkeley
Major: Business
I never expected to attend a community college after graduating from high school. However, after my first semester at College of San Mateo, my whole outlook changed. The classes I took were stimulating, my professors were helpful and friendly, and I befriended many of my classmates and peers. In my second semester, I got involved with Associated Students of CSM, through which I gained experience in event coordination--a field I wish to pursue in the future. I also met some of my closest friends. The services provided by the transfer and counseling center were very beneficial in helping me plan for my transfer to UC Berkeley. The workshops and special events put on by the transfer center provided me with important information about different universities, applications, and deadlines. My counselor, Modesta Garcia, followed me through each step of both the transfer and application processes. I am overjoyed to be attending UC Berkeley in the Fall 2008 semester to study Business Administration at the Haas School of Business.

Patrick BurnsPatrick Burns, UC Berkeley
Major: Latin American Studies
My name is Patrick Burns and I am a proud alumnus of the College of San Mateo.  I came to CSM with the goal of transferring to the University of California, Berkeley, to complete my bachelor’s degree.  I had struggled in high school, and I knew that if I worked hard at CSM, I would have a second chance to apply to Berkeley.  Little did I know that I was about to embark on a journey that would change my life.  I held up my end of the bargain, achieving high grades and pursuing extracurricular activities at CSM.  Along the way, I overcame a learning disability, formed amazing relationships with faculty members, lived independently from my parents, and worked full time.  After what seemed like an eternity, it was time to apply to transfer.  The UC admissions process was a confusing and intimidating maze of paperwork, prerequisites, and statistics.  Thankfully, Mike Mitchell and his staff at the Transfer Center offered all the help I needed.  They organized workshops to assist students with the UC application personal statements, as well as question and answer sessions with representatives from every university that I was thinking of applying to.  Eventually, the admissions process seemed much less daunting.  I realized that I was fully qualified and competitive for any UC, and I knew that even if things didn’t work out exactly how I hoped they would, everything would be okay.  After a seemingly endless wait, the decisions came.  I was admitted to UC Davis, UCLA, and my first choice, UC Berkeley.  I selected Berkeley and will be pursuing my bachelor's degree in Latin American Studies there. I know that I will always be deeply grateful for the opportunities and encouragement that I got throughout every step of my journey at CSM.  Wherever I go in life, I will always be proud to say that my journey began at CSM.

Monica Chan, UC Berkeley
Major: Psychology
It was my dream to get into Berkeley to pursue my major in psychology.  So, with the support, guidance and services provided by College of San Mateo Transfer Services and also the Transfer Club, my dream finally came true.  By attending the various application workshops and the “Transfer Day/College Fair,” I was better informed of the admission requirements and how to write a better application essay and was also provided with lots of help and support from Transfer Services and the CSM Counseling Center.  I would also like to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Mike Mitchell, Ms. Linda Scholer and Ms. Michelle Horan who were very dedicated in helping me through with the application process.  I would also like to give my special thanks to Ms. Sandra Comerford, Ms. Linda Hand, Ms. Heidi Eggert, Mr. Mike Galisatus and Mr. Frank Damon who are always very generous in giving their students their best support.  Please forgive me if I missed mentioning some other great professors and counselors who have helped me along the way.  I am very proud of having attended CSM which really gave me some tremendous support in achieving personal enrichment and my academic goals.  Also, to CSM students: Don’t hesitate to join the Transfer Club!
Jia FengJia Feng, UC Berkeley
Major: Physics
After graduating from high school in China, I came to the United States in 2002.  I had first worked as a sorter for the Goodwill Industry for about a month. To further my education, I left Goodwill and went to the San Jose Job Corps and received my high school and GED diplomas.  I earned not only an Auto Brakes and Alignment Certificate, but also a total of 6.5 equivalent college course units.  I then attended College of San Mateo to take lower division courses to prepare to transfer to a UC. (At CSM I was awarded the Morris Family Scholarship, Orozco & Yoshimura Scholarship and Sterling Redman Trust Scholarship in 2007, G.W. Williams Foundation and Joe Drummond Nelson Memorial Scholarship in 2005.)  I was named on the National Dean’s List for the 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 academic years. I was also a member of the Phi Theta Kappa-International Honor Society of the Two Year Colleges.  I was very interested in math and science from a young age.  That interest helped me to win third place at CSM’s Math League Exam in 2007.  Since my major was Physics, I followed my CSM physics professor’s advice and attended Physical Reality and Measurement Honor’s Colloquium in 2007.  Upon completing my general education and lower division major prep course at CSM, with the help of CSM Transfer Services, I applied to four University of California schools and was admitted to all ot them. I feel excited and lucky to have this opportunity and decided to study at UC Berkeley. I learned that UC Berkeley has 20 Nobel Prize winners, including eight in physics (my major).  Among them are Stephen Chu (1997 winner) who is also Chinese and George Smoot (2006 winner) who is currently teaching physics classes at UC Berkeley.  Therefore, I think UC Berkeley is the best option for my education.  I appreciated the help I got from CSM, especially CSM Transfer Services!

Lindsay Orosco, UC Berkeley
Major: Art History
When I first started classes at College of San Mateo in 2003, I didn’t really have any academic aspirations.  I knew I wanted to transfer eventually, but I didn’t know where to or even when that day would come.  For about two years I slowly worked my way towards transferable courses.  I wasn’t very academically motivated until I took advantage of CSM’s amazing semester abroad program.  After I returned from Florence, Italy I realized that I wanted to relive some of those same European experiences at a four-year college.  It was then that I met with a CSM Transfer Services counselor and worked on an educational plan. By working with her and my academic advisor I learned how to strengthen my course load to transfer sooner.  CSM’s counseling services showed me not only what classes were required for transferring, but how to choose ones that related to my major. When the time came to submit applications in the fall, the Transfer Services office really helped me choose which colleges would be best for my major and me.  I was able to attend lectures (workshops) and hear people from California’s surrounding universities talk about what programs were available to transfer students.  Through the Transfer Services Office and its coordinator Mike Mitchell I was able to get a guaranteed admission to UC Davis with the Transfer Admission Agreement program.  Along with many of the Transfer Services Workshops I was also able to learn how to compose an impressive UC Application and Personal Statement.  I really don’t know if I would have been able to transfer without the help of my academic advisor and all the help in the Counseling/Transfer Center. Thanks to CSM I was admitted to all the colleges I applied to and I am so thrilled to be at UC Berkeley. I really have to thank CSM and all of their services for spring boarding me into my future.