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Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
Child Development Center
Family Involvement
  • Family InvolvementThe staff places a high value on the primary bond between children and their parents and strives to understand and respect the values and goals of each family.
  • Families are welcome to come to the Child Development Center anytime during the day. Families are provided with a variety of ways to participate and be involved.
  • The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is organized each year so parents have an opportunity to discuss program policies and the children's curriculum. Information about campus and community resources is provided and social events for families and staff are planned. The parent group works in collaboration to plan activities that build a sense of community. The PAC also organizes fund-raising projects so special events to benefit children and families can be offered each year.
  • A monthly parenting seminar series is planned on relevant topics such as: positive discipline, nutrition, and sibling rivalry.
  • A weekly parent support group, facilitated by a counselor from College of San Mateo’s Psychological Services, is offered to provide parents with an on-going opportunity to discuss parenting issues and receive support from one another in a group setting.
  • The Center also houses a Family Lending Library that includes resource materials on parenting as well as a comprehensive array of quality books for children to check out and take home to share with their families.
  • As a first step to building a partnership between families and staff, an orientation conference is scheduled before each child begins. The conference provides an opportunity for parents and staff to exchange important information about children’s needs and to discuss the program’s role in supporting both the child and the family.
  • Several times during the year, parents and teachers meet to discuss each child’s growth and development in parent conferences. Planning a classroom curriculum that truly benefits the individual child means parents and teachers work as partners to identify each child’s strengths and interests and use that information to develop the program
  • The preschool years represent a dynamic time in the lives of children and their families and staff is excited at the prospect of sharing in this exciting  journey.