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Honors Project


Hi Professor Laderman,

I hope you are well! I’m not sure if you remember me, but this is Jina, one of the students that were part of the first class of CSM honors project. I was reading some research journal the other day and was reminded of my time designing the Labyrinth. I am so happy to see that the journal has persisted and grew to what it is today (thank you for keeping the original cover design, I feel like I kept a piece of me behind). Just wanted to say that I am very fond of my time there and am grateful for you and Professor Janatpour.

After CSM I transferred to UCLA, then went to pharmacy school at UCSF. I’m now a practicing pharmacist, currently working as an oncology pharmacist at Cedars-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles. If any of your students have an interest in pharmacy or have any questions regarding UCLA, I’d be happy to connect with them. 
— Jina L

Hi Professor Maxwell,

Yesterday was the first day of class here at Columbia University and I was in my “Fiction since 1965” class (with another CSM transfer student actually - Gulnazik Bhakramova) and the Professor said “…15 page essay due at the end of the semester…” Gulnazik and I looked at each other with a straight face and a high-five “No problem. We can handle this thanks to IDST Honors Seminars 101 and 103.”

I just wanted to say TYSM for planting the seed to aim higher and getting me well-prepared in my academic journey!
— Ted Sandico, Spring 2024 Student

I wanted to drop you a note regarding my honors student, Yiwei Lu, and her project.  Having worked with her this entire semester, and seeing the amazing amount of hard work, engagement with not only myself but also researchers that I was able to connect her with - I'm very pleased with her project.  Yiwei read everything I suggested (and more), and worked with multiple technologies - hands on - as well as attending conferences, and working with outside researchers that are more subject matter experts on her particular research question.  

I truly believe these technologies will enable further evolution of the species [...].  I also want to take a moment to say that I really like what the program has become.  This is really a rigorous scientific writing/thinking endeavor.
— Jeff Flowers, CSM Chemistry Professor, Fall 2022

I sincerely appreciate all the support the CSM Honors Project has provided me. I’m actually currently taking the last requirement for my major now during the summer at 
UC Berkeley, and while the class’ research essays are notorious for being graded harshly, I just got news that I received an A on my first research paper! I wouldn’t have gained these research and writing skills without the guidance of the Honors Project.
— Nicole Hong, Spring 2022 Student

I just wanted to give another huge THANK YOU for your support these past two years. Crazy to think that my time at community college is over, but I have enjoyed every minute of it, and a big part of that was due to the honors program. I have grown as a scholar, leader, and individual and have met amazing people along the way. You helped my dream of being a Bruin come true, and for that, I am forever grateful.
— Kelsey Takaha, Spring 2021 Student

I am very grateful for the Honors Project Program because it allowed me to dive deeper into my major and my passions. Now I'm really interested in research because of the HP!
— Kyle Emil Guanzon, Spring 2021 Student

OMG! This is an exceptional paper. It is thorough and insightful.  A beautiful job of connecting theory to portrayal and perception.  I’m so impressed and proud.  I hope you find opportunities to present and publish this paper, and encourage more producers to simply humanize evolving sexuality in media.  Fantastic work. Truly.
— Michelle Brown, CSM Digital Media Professor, Spring 2021

"The Honors Project was an avenue to broaden my perspective on interdisciplinary matters, and it gave me the opportunity and freedom to explore the fields I am most passionate about.  The discussions challenged my thinking and rewired my biases to reflect more accurate and empathetic perspectives.  Being in the Honors Project drove my curiosity beyond what I knew.  I was and still am nowhere near an expert in research or psychology, but the reflection, skills, and purpose that I realized from the program empowered me as a learner."
— Isabelle Antaran, Spring 2021 Student

"I feel like I learned two things that I will hold dear for the rest of my life.

First: Hard work pays off. I think on the application for this program, I wrote something about me not trying hard enough in high school to really succeed and be truly proud of myself. However, due to the deadlines this seminar had, it really forced me to consistently try hard. It felt so good every time my hard work paid off because my guiding mentor would often say, "Great Job, you really worked hard!" I know something like that isn't enough for everyone, but just knowing that someone appreciates the hard work you put into something really encourages me to try harder each step of the way. 

Second: Spontaneity is better than anything planned. As I've said in my reflection, I never thought that I'd do something about the BLM movement... However, as I did more research about it, I found myself caring more and more about the issues faced by the black community. It changed my point of view of this country and made me appreciate the comfortability of my life. In addition, the research I did made me look into myself as person and became some sort of character-check for me, which I think is something that I really needed due to the nature of being quarantined. I don't think I would've received such blessings if I did what I previously planned to do."
— Felmon Madronio, Fall 2020 Student

"This model truly is the right one to help students and the faculty they work with grow together in knowledge, collaboratively. Jacky was a student with real eagerness and much to learn, especially as she was adopting a critical approach (Feminism) that she initially knew little about but also disavowed. With some discussion and then her own decision to read a text on Feminist theory, Jacky embraced the theory, developed a mastery of it, and then successfully applied it to her analysis of two works of American literature."
— Tim Maxwell, CSM English Professor, Spring 2020

"I'd like to give my sincere thanks for everything the Honors program has done for me. It's been a long ride, but I've come out a far better student, ready for the challenges UCLA will present to me."
— Josh Pearlman, Spring 2020 Student

"Thank you so much for offering the opportunity in the honors seminar, I am currently enrolled in my pro seminar class at SFSU and the Honors Project gave me a leg up with my research and helped me succeed in my seminar classes."
— Jessica Solis, 2020 Student

"I think the Honors Project has a whole host of strengths. Firstly, the seminars give students a place to find a community of people who are motivated and working towards transferring. Doing the projects allows for further research into topics of interest, and I've already got a paper I intend to build upon when I go into higher education. What's more, having a foundation instructor allows a student to build a relationship with a professor and this creates opportunity for support that students don't always find when they're in college." 
— Ariana Davarpanah, 2019 Student

"This program has been more of a privilege for me rather than something extracurricular I can slap onto a college application.  I have always been a colorful thinker who never truly enjoyed the classroom environment, and this program has allowed me to express my creative thought.  To present at Berkeley last year for English, and at Stanford this year for Cell Biology, I feel like I have become someone I would have never imagined two years ago.  Thank you for giving me the chance to work for something that exceeds the ordinary standards of junior college, and perhaps even what other large universities have to offer."
— Nick Wong, Spring 2017 Student

"I just found out I'll be attending UC Berkeley in the Fall. As you can imagine, I'm very excited. I think that the three semesters of the Honors Project was a huge boost in my application and may have made the difference between acceptance and denial."
— Brian Aldana, Spring 2017 CSM Transfer Student

"I am so very proud of CSM for offering [this] type of learning community; I love the autonomy, responsibility, and higher level of critical thinking involved. I can’t wait to see what my cohorts will present at the end of the semester!"
— Jenoah Timko, Sociology Major