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March 30 - April 5, 2025
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March 31, 2025
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April 17, 2025
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Honors Project

Student Publications, Awards & Presentations


Fall 2024

Amy Nguyen
Reframing the Narrative Around Imposter Syndrome in Higher Education
The Palouse Review, Washington State University, December 2024

ThinkYou?!: Journal of the Bay Honors Consortium

Fall 2020

Spring 2019

Spring 2014 - Bay Honors Consortium

Divyashish Kumar

The Real Cost of Time: A Comparison of Distinctive Driving Styles

Spring 2013 - Bay Honors Consortium

Rupinder Pal Singh
Undocumented Workers in The U.S. Economy

Melody Mayer
Torn Apart: The Struggle for Reunification in Mixed Status Families

Jenoah Timko
For Better or For Worse: Questioning Marriage from a Queer Perspective

Conference Presentations

Stanford Undergrad Research Conference, April 2025


Kye Lei Aye
Analyzing Pathology Images

BHC Symposium, Stanford University, Spring 2024


Devin Matosian
The Shifting Dynamics of Retail Investing: Predatory Gamification Has Exploited Novice Investors

Amy Nguyen
Reframing the Narrative Around the Imposter Phenomenon in Higher Education

Matt Aaron Magnaye
Healing Across the Ocean: Filipino Nurses Bridging Healthcare Gaps in America


BHC Symposium, Stanford University, Spring 2023


Gulnazik Bakhramova
Education is the Solution: Enhancing Human Capital in Post-Soviet Central Asian Countries

Alex Stonehewer Bird
Homelessness and Mental Illness: Identifying Origins of Development and Potential Solutions

Leah Corbett
Devastating Changes, Coastal Acidification in California

Alexandra Szabo
Breaking the Cycle

May 4, 2019 - Stanford University


Antoneil Carter
Epigenetics and African American History

Alyssa Montserrat
To Drink or Not to Drink: A Critical Examination of Female Agency in the 1978 Jonestown Tragedy

Andreas Langenbacher
The Art of Creating a Piano Fantasy: Montage, Notation, Performance

Su Latt Phone
The Cognitive Mechanics of Creativity

May 5, 2018 - UC Berkeley


Mondana Bathai
Comics: A Powerful and Unappreciated Educational Tool

Antoneil Carter
Examining Intersectionality: Blackness, Womanhood, & the Fight for Agency

Meleana Chun-Moy
Victoria Woodhull: Presidential Candidate in 1872

Daniel de la Calle
The Cognitive Mechanics of Creativity

Ziqi Jin
The Potential of Parallel Programming

Dmitrii Ponomarev
Trapped between Wars: France and Poetic Realist Films

Ashneel Pratap
The Complexities Surrounding Minimum Wage

Benjamine Sasounian
Tracking US Farm Subsidies

Isabelle Tapia
The Manifestation of Reaganism in Romantic Comedy Films

May 6, 2017 - Stanford University

Shuai Xue
Creative AI in Action: How the Random Procedural Generation Takes Game Development to New Worlds

Alexis d'Alencon
Jail Diversion Programs: Improving Outcomes for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness

Angela Kim
Prison Architecture: A Reflection of America’s Warped Justice

Leila Schaumkel
The Pursuit of an Education: The Female Tongans’ Struggle

Alexander Einarrson
Statistics in Hockey: Is an Aggressive Playing Style Preferable?

Nicholas Wong
The Talking Forest

Scarlett Wilson
Applying Mertonian Deviance Theory to Oakland Police Department Reform

Daryl Jones
Walter Hill: Auteur and Ally

Hwajung Sung
Prenatal Stress and Fetal Development

May 7, 2016 - UC Berkeley

Ethan Lee
Obsessing Over OCD: Looks at symptoms, causes, and treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder

Samantha Trump
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds: An analysis of the prohibition of LSD and the new science of LSD therapy

Nick Firestone
Machine Learning for a Better Tomorrow: Applications using machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence may overcome challenges in implementing renewable energy

Ayah Hamdan
War Zone Pregnancy: Explores economics, political and cultural issues faced by pregnant Palestinian women living under Israeli occupation

Abigail Mende
The GMO Controversy: Analyzing Genetically Modified Corn

Lili Fan
Effects of Salinity and Acidity on Urinary Tract Infections

Hengle Li
Divergence Within: An Ideological Comparison between Han China and Roman Europe

Stephanie Cervantez
True Detective?? A Comparison of Larsson, Lethem and Chandler

Nicholas Wong
Conformity in "Frankenstein": A Psychological and Sociological Analysis

November 2015 - National Collegiate Honors Council Conference (Chicago)

Kelly Gulbrandson
Invited participant, "What Makes an Award-Winning Newsletter" panel

May 2, 2015 - Stanford University

Divyashish Kumar
Reviving a Genre: New Wave Science Fiction Writers

Robert Cecchi
"V for Vendetta" and the Power of Story

Elani Jacobson
Beauty is a Beast: Modern Manifestations of Naomi Wolf's "The Beauty Myth"

Dionne Pickard
The End of Individuality: Sacrificing Earthling Identity

May 4, 2014 - UC Berkeley

Divyashish Kumar
The Real Cost of Time: A Comparison of Distinctive Driving Styles

Laila Talpur
Camera Industrialization: Visual Aesthetics and Visual Thinking

Bernie Leung
Mandela: The Man and Story

Andrew Gleeson
Triangular and Simplex Numbers: An Introduction to Mathematical Thinking

Ryan Garret
Survey of the Transhuman Domain

Erin Harris
Neocolonialism in South Africa

May 4, 2013 - Stanford University

Rupinder Pal Singh
Undocumented Workers in The U.S. Economy

Melody Mayer
Torn Apart: The Struggle for Reunification in Mixed Status Families

Jenoah Timko
For Better or For Worse: Questioning Marriage from a Queer Perspective

Student Awards

Kye Lei Aye
Research Engagement Internship, Community College Outreach Program, Stanford University - Spring 2025

Cecilia Lin
UCLA TAP Scholarship Award, UCLA - Fall 2022

Spencer Paing 

Internship, San Mateo County Supervisor David Canepa - Summer 2020

Andreas Langenbacher 

UCLA TAP Scholarship Award, UCLA - Fall 2019 

Jose Chavarin Cordoba
Karl S Pister Leadership Opportunity Scholarship, UC Santa Cruz - Spring 2017 

Martin Adams
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: Data Analytics and Visualization - Spring 2017

Mei-Lin Okino
Bioinformatics Summer Intership, Unversity of Michigan - Summer 2015

Divyashish Kumar
Transfer-to-Excellence Research Experience for Undergraduates, UC Berekley - Spring 2015
NASA Community College Aerospace Scholar - Fall 2014

Jenoah Timko
Community College Transfer Honor Scholarship - SFSU - Fall 2013

Journalism Awards

Writers' Project/Honors Project student academic journal, Third Place, National Collegiate Honors Council newsletter contest, Fall 2021

Writers' Project/Honors Project student academic journal, First Place, National Collegiate Honors Council newsletter contest, Fall 2018

Writers' Project/Honors Project student academic journal, Second Place, National Collegiate Honors Council newsletter contest, Fall 2017

Writers' Project/Honors Project student newsletter, First Place, National Collegiate Honors Council newsletter contest, Fall 2014