Contact Us
Justin Stevick
Astronomy Lab Coordinator
Adjunct Faculty
(650) 378-7241
Michael Gallien
Astronomy Lab Coordinator
(650) 574-6533
Justin Stevick
Astronomy Lab Coordinator
Adjunct Faculty
(650) 378-7241
Michael Gallien
Astronomy Lab Coordinator
(650) 574-6533
Astronomy is the study of our universe. It is the oldest of the sciences, and every ancient civilization has studied it. By simply looking up into the starry sky, you are doing astronomy. This makes astronomy not only a direct connection to our ancestors, but a connection to our future selves. It is in our nature, to look up at the cosmos, and wonder about our place within it. What are black holes? How many planets are in our galaxy? Is there anyone else out there? All of these questions, and more, await answers. Are you ready for the challenge?
Why Study Astronomy?
Students in astronomy will have a strong background in mathematics and physics, opening the door to countless high-paying jobs. Students that pursue careers in astronomy will work in beautiful and exotic places like Bolivia, Chile, and Hawaii. Astronomy opens the door to many sectors of work such as education, private industry, and government. Companies that actively hire astronomy majors include Boeing, NASA, and SpaceX. Giving you the ability to work on cutting edge research, and create on the frontier of human ingenuity. With the incredible ease of access and lightning fast speed, the age of the internet has made public outreach desperately needed. Public forums like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram have opened a plethora of new careers for astronomers in social media.Why CSM?
College of San Mateo has a state of the art professional observatory, a new 4k Hybrid digital/optical RSA planetarium system, and faculty that places their students first. This makes it the astronomy leader in the California Community Colleges. It's one of the few campuses in the state where undergraduate students get real, hands on experience with professional grade telescopes. At CSM you’ll not only learn how to operate telescopes, but reduce and analyze data, you take yourself. Here we create an environment that promotes learning though clubs, public events, and student driven research. Our faculty and staff strive to create student success, because here, our students are the driving force behind everything we do. Take an astronomy course today!
Comet Iwamoto / Crescent Moon 3-12-13 - CSM Observatory