This document is also available as a PDF for download and printing.
Please also refer to the College's Time, Place, and Manner Policy for additional information.
General Posting Instructions – Applies to all on-campus posting
- All materials posted on campus must clearly indicate the group or organization sponsoring the event, activity or service being advertised.
- No items may be posted on doors, on painted or varnished surfaces, in restrooms, on lampposts, on any outdoor fixtures, or on any glass surfaces.
- Posting is not permitted in College Center (Building 10).
- No posting is allowed on any outdoor bus stop or Redi-Wheels stop.
- Posting of lawn signs on grass or landscaped areas is prohibited.
- Duplicates of the same posting in the same area are subject to removal.
- Placing flyers, leaflets, or other materials on vehicles parked in any CSM parking lot is prohibited. Violators will be charged with the costs related with cleaning such materials left in campus paring lots. (City of San Mateo Ordinance 10.40.030)
College Posting Instructions – Applies to all College-affiliated groups, including departments, programs, student clubs and organizations, etc.
All General Posting Instructions (see above) apply. In addition:- All postings by College-affiliated groups must have a "Date to be Removed" stamp from the Center for Student Life & Leadership Development before being posted.
- Posting is allowed on all interior bulletin boards, including inside classrooms, not designated for a specific purpose.
- Posting is not allowed in the Theatre Lobby (Building 3) or the Library (Building 9) without permission from the Administrators in charge of those buildings/areas.
- Posting on outdoor railings or balconies is not permitted without permission from the Administrators in charge of those buildings/areas.
Community/Public Posting Instructions – Applies to all non-College affiliated individuals, groups and organizations
All General Posting Instructions (see above) apply. In addition:- Posting in any interior bulletin boards, including bulletin boards inside classrooms, is prohibited.
- Posting is only allowed on outdoor, public bulletin boards.
Exceptions to any of the above policies require the approval of the Student Life & Leadership Manager and the Administrator responsible for the specific location in question.Revised October 2010