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Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
Professional Development

Classified Staff

Contact Us

Alicia Frangos
(650) 378-7329
The San Mateo County Community College District recognizes that the quality of its educational offerings and services is enhanced by the professional growth and development of its employees.

Therefore, the CPD Program was established in 1985 and has since supported the advancement and learning of hundreds of employees. 

Through our professional development opportunities, we hope to create a positive climate of open communication, mutual respect and appreciation for the advantages of a diverse community.

*NEW! CSM permanent employees (after probationary period) are eligible to receive up to $2500 per fiscal year towards any combination of approved conference/seminar/workshop expenses and/or college tuition and educational materials. Employees who are detailing must apply at their home campus. 

Conference Reimbursement

Employees are encouraged to attend work-related professional conferences, workshops and seminars and may be reimbursed for the costs.

If you are interested in attending a workshop, conference or seminar, do the following: 
  1. Complete the CSM Classified Professional Development Application well in advance of the date of the event (30-60 days recommended).
  2. Obtain your supervisor’s approval and have them sign the form
  3. Forward the application packet (including back up registration info, travel estimates, etc.) to the CSM Business Office
  4. Your application will be reviewed by the Classified Professional Development Committee.
  5. After approval, you will be notified by the CSM Business Office. 

After attending your event:
  1. Submit a Statement of Conference Expense form to the CSM Business Office no later than 30 days after the conference.
  2. The Business Office will forward the request for reimbursement. 

Tuition Reimbursement

Employees who successfully complete approved college coursework may be eligible for funding through our Classified Professional Development Program. The program is intended to support employees who wish to upgrade their skills and/or complete a college degree program at an accredited institution.

Employees may be reimbursed for tuition, required textbooks, and other educational materials. Reimbursement will be made upon satisfactory completion of approved coursework with a grade of C or better.

It you want to request tuition reimbursement: 
  1. Complete the CSM Classified Professional Development Application well in advance of the date of the event (30-60 days recommended).
  2. Obtain your supervisor’s approval and have them sign the form
  3. Forward the application packet (including tuition/registration cost information) to the CSM Business Office
  4. Your application will be reviewed by the Classified Professional Development Committee.
  5. After approval, you will be notified by the CSM Business Office. 

After completing your class:
  1. No later than 30 days after completion of your class, submit a Request for Reimbursement Form with attached receipts and final grade report to the CSM Business Office.
  2. The Business Office will forward the request for reimbursement.


Classified Professional Development Forms