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February 14-17, 2025
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March 30 - April 5, 2025
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April 17, 2025
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Term Definition
Check-out A file is checked out to you automatically when you begin editing, and it cannot be edited by other users until you check it back in (or publish it).
Editor The WYSIWIG Editor is an online tool provided by OmniUpdate that allows you to edit your web pages without knowing HTML, in much the same way that you would edit a Word document. When you are using the editor you have access to several toolbar buttons that are similar to those provided in the Microsoft Word toolbars.
Menu Items Menu items are the choices that you provide for users of your site in the navigation menu on the left side of all pages. Examples of the menu items for this tutorial site include "Table of Contents," "Glossary," and "Contact Us."
Navigation In the context of your CSM web site, we use the word "navigation" or "navigation menu" to refer to the menu items that appear on the lefthand side of your pages.
Production Server The OmniUpdate server where all of your published pages are stored. All images and document files that are referenced by your pages are also stored on the Production Server. See Check-in, Check-out, and Publish Concept for a more detailed explanation.
Publish After saving your changes, you publish your page to make the new changes "live" for all users.
Revert There are two different Revert buttons in OmniUpdate. Within the editor, the Revert button removes all changes since your last save. When you are viewing a page in preview mode there is a slightly different Revert button that allows you to revert back to any previously published version of a page. See the section of this tutorial on saving and reverting for more details.
Staging Server The OmniUpdate server where copies of all your pages are saved before they are published. See Check-in, Check-out, and Publish Concept for a more detailed explanation.