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Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
Disability Resource Center (DRC)

Student FAQs

Will I be getting the same accommodations that I received in high school?
A high school plan, whether IEP or 504, governs the high school setting. When you request services at the DRC, you will be scheduled an appointment to determine your current educational limitations and, through an interactive process, create an accommodation plan. Your high school document is just that, a document for the high school environment. You may or may not have similar accommodations in the college setting. More detailed information here

If I am qualified for services through the DRC, will that show up on my transcripts?
No. There will be no mention of your disability on any school records.

What kinds of services does the DRC provide?
There are many support services and academic accommodations that the DRC provides based on individual educational limitations for both temporary and permanent disabilities. Below is an example of some of these services and accommodations:
  • counseling services
  • priority registration
  • interpreters/captioners for the hearing-impaired
  • adapted physical education
  • assistive computer technology 
  • instructional materials in alternate formats
  • seating accommodations
  • test-taking accommodations
  • note-taking assistance
  • smartpen loan program
  • learning disability assessment and support
What would be considered a temporary disability?
A broken leg or arm, a pregnancy-related disability condition/childbirth, or recuperation from surgery are examples of temporary disabilities. 

Now that I've been approved for services, can I retake the tests I've completed without accommodations?
No, accommodations are not retroactive. You will be able to take tests with accommodations moving forward. It is your responsibility to request testing accommodations on any particular test.

What should I do if I think I have a learning disability?
Contact the DRC to complete a Learning Disability and DRC request for services intake packet. You will then be scheduled to meet with the Learning Disabilities Specialist to review the packet and determine the next step.