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Disability Resource Center (DRC)

Other Disabilities

This category includes any student who does not fall into any of the above categories but who has a verified disability which limits one or more major life activities and affects educational performance.  Examples:  Attention Deficit Disorder, Cardiac Disorders, Diabetes. Some other disabilities are:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD)


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) is a chronic neurological condition characterized by problems with attention, focusing and persistence and often, but not always, hyperactivity. ADD/ADHD must be diagnosed by a medical doctor, psychiatrist or licensed psychologist and sometimes medication is prescribed.


Students with ADD/ADHD may exhibit one or more of the following characteristics:

Classroom Skills

  • Difficulty paying attention when spoken to; inconsistent concentration.
  • Difficulty listening to a lecture and taking notes at the same time.
  • Easily distracted by background noise or visual stimulation, may appear to be hurried in one-to-one meetings.
  • Difficulty memorizing basic facts.

Study Skills

  • Difficulty reading or comprehending word problems.
  • Compositions lack organization and development of ideas.
  • Trouble sustaining attention. Restless, fidgety. Lacks attention to details.
  • Forgets things. Difficulty following instructions.
  • Impatient and easily frustrated. For many students the harder they try the worse their symptoms become.

Social Skills

  • Easily overwhelmed by tasks of daily living. Poor organization and time management.
  • Difficulty completing projects. Inconsistent work performance.
  • Trouble maintaining an organized work area.
  • Makes decisions impulsively. Difficulty delaying gratification, stimulation seeking.
  • Makes comments without considering their impact.

Many of the suggestions for students with Learning Disabilities are applicable to students with ADD/ADHD.

Possible Accommodations

  • Alternative testing (extended time, text-to-speech programs, distraction reduced setting, and/or computer)
  • Note taking assistance
  • Textbooks in electronic format
  • Academic support (drop-in specialized counseling, tutoring)
  • Educational coaching

Cardiac Disorders

Additional considerations are generally not needed for students with cardiac disorders except when the course requirements involve an unusual amount of physical activity or if medical complications arise that cause them to miss class.


Students with diabetes generally require no classroom accommodations. Occasionally they may need to snack during class. Students generally schedule time to eat before strenuous physical activity. Problems such as diabetic coma and insulin shock may occur when there is an imbalance of insulin, food, and energy expenditure. If a student seems dazed, confused, or is unresponsive, please call the Health Center, ext. 6396 or Campus Secutiry, ext. 6415 to assist the student. These may be a sign of diabetic shock.

Speech Impairments

Impairments range from problems with articulation or voice strength to being totally non-vocal. They include stuttering (repetition, blocks, and/or prolongations occasionally accompanied by distorted movements and facial expressions), chronic hoarseness (dysphonia), difficulty in evoking an appropriate word or term (nominal aphasia), and esophageal speech (resulting from a laryngectomy). Many students with speech impairments will be hesitant about participating in activities that require speaking.

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