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Spring 2025 Tips
Parking, waitlists, and more!
Spring Classes Begin
January 13, 2025
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 20, 2025
Request Information

Why should I choose the CSM program over another school of cosmetology?
Cosmetology students seeking a program with a long tradition of quality education, top standing within the industry, and reputation for the most thorough curriculum, invariably choose CSM. Students enrolled in the CSM Cosmetology Program earn college units toward an Associate of Arts (AA) degree.

How can I apply to the Cosmetology Program at the CSM?
Registering for classes is acheived through your WebSmart account.  Information on how to register can be found here Register for Classes.

What do I do if I am on a waitlist?
If you find yourself on a waitlist please attend any informational meetings (Open-house, tours, virtual meetings, etc.) that you may be invited to.  It is also important to attend the first day of class.  If space is available it will be offered to waitlisted students in the order that they appear on the waitlist.  If you are not present at that time your spot will be given to the next student.

How long is the program?
It's 1000 clock hours long. Full time students can complete the program in 2 semesters.  Part-time students can take up to 4 semesters to complete the program

When do classes begin and end? What are the hours?
Our class schedule varies per class and per day. Classes meet either MWF or TTH.  COSM 712 & COSM 742 meet Mondays 9a-2p, Wednesdays 8a-2p,  and Friday’s class meets 9a-2p. COSM 722 & COSM 732 meet Tuesdays from 8a-4p and Thursdays 9a-4p

What does tuition include and what does it not include?
Tuition covers enrollment in the program. In addition, there are parking, student representative, health services, and material fees each semester.  Expenses include the kits, books, supplies, and uniform. These items are not not included in your tuition. All required kits are available only through the CSM Bookstore.  Prices are subject to change.  Please do not purchase a kit in advance of enrollment in the program.

When are Tuition fees due?
Tuition and material fees are due upon registration.

Does CSM offer any financial aid programs?
Yes, please contact the Financial Aid office at the CSM.

Is there a dress code for cosmetology?
Yes, students wear a uniform. The uniform is purchased through the CSM Bookstore.

What text book is used for the Cosmetology curriculum?
Milady Standard Cosmetology, 14th Edition

Where are the cosmetology classes located at the CSM?
All classes take place in the cosmetology department (Health & Wellness Building 5).

English is not my first language. Will this be a problem for me?
There are many students for whom English is not their first language and who have completed the program successfully. Concurrent enrollment in ESL classes is strongly recommended.

Is there daycare available?
Yes, childcare is available on campus for those who qulaify. Interested persons should contact the Child Development Center at (650) 574-6279. The center is located in Building 33, and is open from 7:30 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday.

Are there any jobs available?
A recent survey conducted by a large chain salon indicates there frequently are three jobs for every cosmetology graduate.