Every course offered at College of San Mateo (unless specifically exempted by legal statute) is open for enrollment and participation by any person who has been admitted to the College and who meets the prerequisites of the course provided that space is available.
Enrollment Limitations: Multiple and Overlapping Enrollments
- A college district may not allow a student to enroll in two or more sections of the same credit course during the same term.
- A college district may not allow a student to enroll in two courses that overlap unless the following requirements are met.
- The student must provide sound justification other than mere convenience,
- An appropriate district official must review justification and enrollment for approval,
- The college must collect documentation that shows how the student made of the hours of overlap under the supervision of the instructor of the course.
- Students are limited to receiving no more than three "W"s from the same credit course.
- A "W" shall not be assigned or may be removed if the student withdrew due to discriminatory treatment or retaliation for alleging discriminatory treatment.