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Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
Academic Policies
Attendance Regulations

Students are required to attend the first class meeting of each class in which they register. If they cannot attend, they should notify the instructor in advance. Without prior notification, they may be dropped by the instructor and a waiting student admitted in their place.

Regular attendance in class and laboratory sessions is an obligation assumed by every student at the time of registration. When repeated absences place a student's success in jeopardy, the instructor may drop the student from class.

In all cases it is the instructor's prerogative to determine when absences are excessive. An instructor has the right to drop a student from class when such absences jeopardize the student's opportunity to successfully complete the class work or to benefit from the instruction.

Absence means non-attendance and includes non-attendance for illness or personal emergency. Absences due to a student's participation in a school-sponsored activity are to be considered as excused absences, but it is the student's responsibility to notify the instructor in advance of the absence, and the student is responsible for all work missed. It is noted again that it is the instructor's prerogative to determine when such absences are excessive.

Extended Absence

Students who will be absent from any class or classes for one week or longer for any health reason should request notification to instructors by the Student Health Center.

Students who will be absent from any class or classes for one week or longer for other personal emergencies should request notification to instructors by the Dean of Counseling, Advising and Matriculation.

If a medical or personal emergency requires absence of more than one week, the student should consult with his/her instructors and counselor/advisor regarding the advisability of continuing in classes.