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Final Examinations
December 10-16, 2024
Winter Recess
December 24 - January 1
Spring Classes Begin
January 13, 2025
Request Information
Academic Policies
Credit by Examination for College of San Mateo Courses (CBE)

A currently enrolled student in good standing may be permitted to obtain credit for courses if he/she is especially qualified through previous training or instruction and can demonstrate such qualifications by successfully completing an examination approved by the faculty and dean of the appropriate division.

College of San Mateo faculty determine which courses are eligible for CBE and if an examination can be provided. They determine if an examination can adequately measure mastery of the course content as set forth in the course outline of record. Credit may be awarded for prior experience or prior learning only in terms of individually identified courses for which faculty approve credit by exam. A student may challenge a course for credit by examination only one time. The student’s academic record shall be clearly annotated to reflect that credit was earned by examination. Grading shall be according to the regular grading system. Students shall be offered a “pass/no pass” option if that option is ordinarily available for the course. A maximum of 12 units toward the Associate degree or 6 units toward the certificate may be earned by courses for which credit has been earned by examination. Units for which credit is given shall not be counted in determining the 12 semester units in residence required for the associate degree.